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Posts posted by Alienkiller

  1. Hi cewamartin,

    you have very good summarized the atm outcome from the Game. I can agree with you in that Points, what the Cleaner-Part, the special Missions in the Cleaner-Part, the Upgrade- & Refit-Process in Weapons / Armour etc., and after the Cleaner-Part with the Standard-Alien-Missions belongs.

    Thanks for assist with the Ideas for different Bases, Outposts, the Main-Chars (Chief Scientist, Chief Workshoper, Operations Manager etc.) and important Parts for Upgrades / Refits as well as on the World-Map. That we Beta-Testers and the Communty say the whole time already. To get more assistance for bringing in more Features to make the Game more interessting and make an big Difference to the direct Rivals (UFO ET-Row as well as Xenonatus 1) is very good.

    I aggree that from the first Gameplay-Test to Milestone 2 (as one of the big Founders & Betatesters) the Game get an very good Step forward. It takes time, but the Quality have to go over Quantity. More Quality like above announced is important. If it would be in some Parts like X-Com Apocalypse or Phoenix Point (with the different Base-Designs you have announced) then an other great Step is done.

    Let´s see what the Devs, the Publisher and the Freelancers bring in for Milestone 3.


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  2. Modding-Tools will come, when the Game is ready for it. When it will be, the Devs and the Publisher don´t know about to much important other Things which have to finished first.

    The Game isn´t stable for Modding-Tools yet, what the Devs have explained several Times and the Testers can agree to 100%.

    The Modders don´t wanna have it like the Modders for Terra Invicta, which have to beginn from 0 on ervytime, when an big Refit-Work, Upgrade or whatever comes out. So it´s better to be patient and wait until the Publisher together with the Devs say you can beginn Modding.

  3. Thanks gG-Unknown, now I understand better what you all means.

    Sounds interresting. I would make it more interesting too with the later knowleadge of the Reapers (Autopsys), the 2 Weakness-R & D-Projects as well as the advanced / automated Medikit.

    1. With an normal advanced Medkit / automated Medkit you have a Chance get the Comrade, Civilian, befriend Helper to stop the Zombification in the first 2 Rounds (like it get done in StarCraft 2 with Sarah Carrigan after they get catched from her Boyfriend Marshal Raynor). They have then brought in an Contimination Chamber until an real medicine get found. Means that saved Civilian, Police- or Army-Helper or in Worst Case an Pilot or Soldier of yours are not useable.

    2. With the Autopsy-Report you get more Informations about that Infection, but have to do more R & D to get an antidot (like Trellium-D-Poison and the Antidot in Star Trek for the Vulcans). There helps too the atm 2 Weakness-Researches from the Workshop-Resarch.

    3. With more R & D in Interrogations, Autopsys and Experiments you find an Antidot against the Larvas from the Reaper-Alien-Race, which have the Baby-Reapers and the Grown Up-Reapers. 

  4. I haven´t read the discussion fully, but I know what you mean with the Larva-Attack and evtl. Healing for your Soldiers.

    I don´t like that special Alien (I hate it in old and new XCOM and as other Variants in Phoenix Point). And I like the System in Xenonauts 2, that this Alien have an 20% to 30% Chance to infect your Soldiers with the first 3 Attacks. If they would have an bigger Chance (like the problematic in old XCOM and Xenonauts 1), you need an Atomic Bomb and have to destroy the whole City or whatever Map instead.

  5. Yeah, the Game is atm limited in Days, because the Mid- and Endgame are still in big WIP.

    For the Endgame the Devs wanna bring in more Content (see Kickstarter-Page). As an Founder and from beginning on Betatester I and the others hope too, that an variable Endgame will come like it was planed (not only the atm Standard Win / Lose-Ending).

    Therefore the Timelimiter have to be doubled as Minimum. Otherwise we will only get the already integrated Standard Win / Lose-Ending.

  6. Multiplayer isn´t not good for several very good Reasons (like destorying the Storyline, destroying the Game-Fun etc.). That destructions have been seen for very good Games in the Past, which get combined the Storyline and the Multiplayer and destroyed the Game or have to be outsourced completely in an seperate Game. For the 2nd Point the Devs don´t have time and the other Idea destroy the Game. Means Idea 6 is out (or have to be done like in the new XCOM-Series later, if there is time for it).

    From the Ideas (1, 2, 5, 7, 8, 9 and 10) you mention the first Betatesters and additional Betatesters go conform. Similar Ideas get Mentioned from them too already. That you and others come with that too is very good and helpfull.

    Idea 3 sounds very interessting too. Let´s hope that this is possible and give more cool Options.

  7. Yeah, in that Point we both are on the same Wave. It makes the Officers-Women, which is your left / right Hand to assist the Commander (which is the Gamer) more interessting. She have such an Analytical Department in the Background (she announce it), but it don´t show up in the Game yet.

    It would be then important for some special Missions (Rescue an VIP, Capture Enemy VIP, Rescue shot down Pilots, Rescue lost Soldiers, Espionage Cleaner & Alien Activity, Prepare Convoy-Ambushes to get more R & D-Materials, etc.) to give some more flexibility in the Game / Missions and your Officers-Women-Assist with their secret Field-Agents something to work.

    The Analytical Department have not only that important Job. The Analytical Department analyses the Strengh & Weaknesses (which atm. the Workshop and Reserachers do) as well as the secret Field-Agents reduce the Panic. That´s an very cool Contnent / Feature from Terra Invicta.

    The last and important Part from the Analytical Department and the Field-Agents is to look for small / medium Outpost for more Range of your existing Main-Base & Backup-Base.

    • Like 2
  8. I like the Dialogs, they bring life in the Game. Some could be better, there I agree.

    If you look to similar Games of that Gerne the only one with similar Dialogs are the complete new XCOM-Series (Bureau as Beginning over Enemy Unknown / Enemy Within to Chimera Squad) and with an complete different Storyline Phoenix Point.

    Short said: There are only 3 Games of that Gerne which have such Dialogs. All others have nothing of that or only the 08/15 summary in the UFO-Pedia or how it get called.


  9. Nice Chris, that´s an big Step forward.

    Yeah, there are some Parts which need more Refit, Rework and / or Upgrades (and that are important communtiy-questet Features like an longer Gameplay then it´s originaly planed in the final Game, on the Airforce and similar). With the new Game-Designer-Version it will be much easyer, which make Sense too.

    If Milestone 3 comes out in December I will take an look. If not, then I personaly can wait longer. I looked too in the 1.12.-Versions and find them an very good Step in the right direction. Keep up the Good work.

  10. Ooey, yeah that makes the X-25 so unique to the other modern Standard-Earth fighters. And that´s why it´s for modernisations with new Materials perfect. Like in Stellaris, Hoi 4 or Gal Civ with the Designers up to an hardcoded Hull-Limit.

    We have already an light designer here for the Airforce-Fighter-Crafts, why not using the Potential for them and evtl. the Transport-Craft.

    As example: We have the X-25 Angel (from the Mig-25) as Type 0 fighter (Standard-Fighter). It is Upgradeable to an Type 3 Fighter (lighter armoured Hull for longer Range, better Engines, advanced mobilility etc. to hold it up-to-date.

    And much more the Pilots haven´t an Choise to move from 1 Fighter-Craft to an modernised one or complete new one as well as getting XP.

  11. Komandos, there are 3 big Problems for the Aliens to solve:

    1. The Fighters from Earth have an better turn Rate then the most UFOs. The UFO Fighters are the only ones, which get adjusted to Earth-Fighters and their improvements to give the Airforces and your Special-Organsiation an hard time later on.

    2. The Fighters from Earth are buildup to fly in Atmosphere, not in Space. That´s why we can´t left with normal Planes our Planet, and the Aliens have the Problem changed (Space and less Atmosphere-Flight but not normal Atmosphere-Flight)

    3. The Fighters from Earth are more flexible in Refits of external Modules and atm. 1 internal Module. There you can integrate better Weapons, Armor-Improvements (from 0 on for normal Airforce-Planes / your Special-Organistation-Fighters) and special Modules (like Fuel-Tanks for the Moment).


    Therefore the Aliens have a lot of Advantages against our Fighter-Crafts / Planes:

    1. The Weapons from the Aliens have EMP-Funktions. That means they destroy the Electronic (see Series Viper, Earth-Atomic-Tests and Sun Flare-Activity)

    2. The UFOs have stronger Weapons with no Problems of Ammo-Limitations.

    3. The UFOs are much better Secured with Shields, Armor and a lot of Hull-Points to adjust the Earth-Atmosphere-Problematic, but therefore they are slower in Atmosphere-Flight.

    4. The UFOs are an direct Modular-Buildup (like in UFO ET and UFO 2 ET), means the Aliens can Upgrade their UFO-Hulls from an Probe to an Battleship very easy.


    If you go in an Airfight with your Fighters, then your Fighter-Crafts will go out of it not unhurhurt. Minimum 25% of your Fighter is damaged (Hull, some internal Systems etc.) or in most Cases 50% to 80%. Dosen´t matter you play automatic (automatic more then manually) or manually.

    Short said: Dosen´t matter what you do, after an Airfight 1 of your Fighters get a little bit Damaged up to destroyed (belongs what UFO you fight). And it dosen´t matter how good you deal Damage, what matters is how much damage you can avoid to your Fighters in such Battles, similar to your Specialists in the Ground-Battles.

  12. gG-Unknown. Where you ever an Soldier? From your Suggestion I think not. If you had done your military Duty, you would know that all Shooting Weapons get in Kneeing and Lay-Down an Acc. Bonus. The remaining belongs on the Soldier itself.  In that Case the Bonus have to be for all Shooting Weapons when kneeing in the Game.

    Yeah, Kneeing or Laying have Disadvantages too, esp. when you go in the Infight (Close & Personal). If you are well trained (here the Fighting Sports like MMA or BJJ / Self Defense like Grav Maga) give you an higher Chance of Survival. In Game that would mean, that you can use an Knife / Stun Batton from Kneeing Positon to fight Close an Personal and hurt or kill / stun the Enemy.

    Such an Close & Personal fight I had roundbased in the first real Testplay in JA 3 from the same Position (Kneeing). But I haven´t tested it out again after several Patch-Modernisations again.

    Summarized: Keep the Kneeing with the Acc. for Shooting Weapons & Saftey-Bonuses for the Soldier. More Content & Features for it would be nice to make that System more interessting and make it more realistic (Knife and Stun-Batton Fights, etc.).

    • Like 1
  13. Conductiv, thanks for the Assistance in the Fighter-Jet-Part. The existing Testers (Beta-Testers, additional Testers for the Expermental-Versions) have the same Thinking to improve the Angel and newer Fighters in their Base-Frame-Constructions. An very good example is Stellaris with the Hull-, Engines-, Armour-, internal System- etc. Upgrades to make existing Space-Ships more effective to an maximum Point (like the NX-Class, light Interpid-Cruiser-Class, Frontier & Deadalus-Scout-Classes as well as the from beginning on Frigates).

    The other interessting Thing is, that they are in the Base-Hull-Design have an maximum Upgrade-Level for Hull-Upgrades (better Materials), Engine-Upgrades (much moderner Impulse- and Warp-Drives), Armour (from an light Standard-Armour to f. e. Polarized Hull and later Energy-Shields), internal Systems (Computers, Tactics, etc.) as well as Crew (Standard-Crew, military Crew, mixed Crews).

    An Example from the STNH-Modification directly from the Beginning: You have the United Earth Emmette-Class-Frigates (Standard and Rocket-Version), which get an small Refit in the Base-Frame-Design with Research. That makes the Base-Frame-Design better. The Hull, Engines, Armour, internal Systems etc. can be sperately upgraded to Level 3 or 4 (similar to the Fighter-Jets in Xenonauts 2 with the Weight- and other Limitation).


    Two good Things in Xenonauts 2 are, that the Devs integrated some cool tested Stuff again from the first Beta-Versions (like additional Fuel-Tanks) and that the Fighter-Jets are more variable then in the direct Rival UFO Extraterestials 1 & 2.

    More of that Content / Features incl. the Upgrade to the Base-Frame-Construction like you, the Beta-Testers, Experimental-Version-Testers as well as some of the Communtiy are announcing to hold the Interceptors Up-to-Date is an important must have to overflow the direct Rival as well as indirect Rivals.

    What is important too (and that is in Stellaris / Hoi and F1 Manager-Row very good) are 2 cool Content / Features:

    1. The Experiance-Raising from the Ship-Crews seperately to the Commanders, which give them more Experiance

    2. The Base-Hull-Design-Refit-Change to more modern Base-Hulls [in F1 Managers that´s the HQ-Company].


    If that flow in the Game incl. double the Playtime to the direct Rivals (UFO ET-Row) then this is a Win-Win for the Crowfounders, Devs, Beta-Testers / Experimental-Version-Testers and the later buying Communty. The more qualtative good working Content / Features like this we bring in, the better it is.

  14. The Item wasn´t announced. Then it´s clear what you mean. Sometimes you have luck and get such an Landing-Site. But there is no Date or whatever, just the 50:50 Change to get such an Landing-Site.

    Such Landing-Sites will get with Oberservers or similar UFOs, which build up an Alien-Outpost or do something similar. With smaller UFOs or War-UFOs that´s mostly not the Case.

  15. Grobbobo, that´s very easy to reach to get Bankrupty in the first 2 Monthes. You only have to build up to much and have no Money for the monthly Costs, Upgrades etc. left.

    That´s exactly I have said too several times to make Secundary-Bases much smaller and limit the Buildings there to have enough Money left for the Upkeep-Costs, Upgrades in all Parts etc.

  16. The UFOs are secondary at the Game-Start. You will see them soon enough, with Probes etc. which make automated Recovery-Crash-Sites after shoot down.

    You have in the first Gamepart enough to do with the Cleaners and Alien-Special-Missions and holding your existing Specialists alive.

    Later on you get enough UFOs, Alien Outposts and Alien-Bases to shoot down and recover.

    Short said: Be happy to go stressless in the Game instead fighting an 2-Front-War you can´t win.

  17. If I remember correctly back, the Betatesters suggested that and tested it out. But I can´t remember what Version it was from the 1x-Versions. If that could brought back again with older Equipment, which you have to upgrade Step by Step, then it would be very interessting (like the women Commanding Officer explain in the Intro).



  18. That´s an good Question ooey. In the Games I played so far in the last 3 Decades (and that are only the Decades with PC) beginning with the old X-COM-Row over the UFO-After-Row, new XCOM-Row and UFO-ET-Row and some more or less good Fan-Remakes of this Gerne 3 Factors influenced the Game:

    1. the special Breakthrough of an Tech-Level to get in the next Gamestage

    2. the Fight against UFOs or similar Crafts incl. destroying or recovery (the more you destroy or recover, the faster you get to the next Gamestage)

    3. the advancement of the direct Storyline [like in the new XCOM-Series, Phoenix Point] or whatever the 3rd Influnce of the Game is, dosen´t matter what Real-Time or Round-Time of this or similar Gerne it is.

    In all Games of this Gene you have about 2 Gameplay-Years to 3 Gameplay-Years with several Gamestages. So it´s hard to say what Xenonauts 2 uses of that 3 announced Points to get to the next Game-Stage.

    Where we all agree, that the Game-Stages come to fast and the Game-Time for the Public-Gamers is to short with 1 Year. There UFO 1 ET "Platinum" of the UFO ET-Series give 1 more Year. But fair-minded said that´s the minimum of Time (2 Years) for such an Game until you get slaved / pulverised by the Aliens or make an Patt with the Aliens with destroying their Mastermind or what good Ending is there then.

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