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Posts posted by Alienkiller
Yeah, that I had too in my Tutorial-Test. In all tested Tutorials in prevouis Betas and Milestones the Soldier survived.
Double reported. The same Problem I have noticed too shortly Minutes ago.
Yep, exactly that I have noticed too. I tested the Tutorial shortly Minutes ago.
On 12/10/2024 at 8:57 AM, Xeferah said:
For me personally that's not really a problem, but maybe I quit too early? I quit a game when I run out of research, have every continent at 0 unrest and there are no new UFO's coming. That was around day 250-300 or so for me. I fully expect that in the new milestone, this will be extended again.
I'm also quite curious how the game is balanced again. Commander difficulty was great in the first 180 days or so, after that it became too easy/boring due to no change in enemy tactics. Overall, I'm really exited to see what has changed from milestone 4.
The prevoius Milestones had an Hardlimiter to give the Developers time to work on the new Contents / Features and the last 40% of the Game. The last 40% of the Game were since the big Beta-Tests the big Jobsite, the middle of the Game an medium Jobsite and the beginning Part the lowest Jobsite in filling up and get it best working. So Milestone 1 to 4 had hard Gamelimiters after a while, where no more show up.
But with Milestone 5 you can play to the End. How good it will be after the Refit of existing Contents / Features of the Storyline we will see. In the complete unlimited Betas etc. you had to finisch the Aliens in 350 to 360 Days (about 1 Year), which is impossible. The old X-COM and new XCOM as well as UFO ET Gold / Platinum gives you about 1,5 to 2 years (540 to 720 Days). The only Games which gives you up to 900, maximum 1.200 Days (2,5 to 3 Years) are UFO 2 ET and if I rememember me correctly Phoexnix Point.
The to limited Time for the Endgame-Operation were in Xenonauts 2 to low. Hope that is fixed with the new Storyparts-Refits. There the UFO ET-Row have an very good compromise to raise the Storyline-Invasion-Difficulty. The first Option is to reach an Research-Level and the second Option is to shoot down to much UFOs with Bombing them / ground Missions, before you reach the Research-Level for the next Storyliine-Dificulty-Step.
Yeah, very cool. I have looked in and made a small Testrun with the Tutorial already. A lot have been done to the older Milestones, which is great. The Basegame for Xenonauts 2 get better & better with every Step after the big Beta-Test-Improvements to the Baseground for the Milestones-Implementations (1 to atm 5).
Xeferah, yeah that´s my Intention too. Wait for the Milestone 5 and when it comes up, an new Testrun will begunn after an long break.
That cool Content / Features, which begunn with Milestone 3 or 4 and get a lot more in Milestone 5 & Higher are that what the Beta-Testers missing. Similar Content / Features for the Geoscape and Missions were tested already in an much lesser Status during the Standard-Betatests until the last Refit-Betatests & Milestone-Refits come up.
It´s good to hear & read that such cool Contents / Features will come back. Only the still to low Timelimit for the Game is an big Problem. That the Beta-Testers from the first Hour get announced every time and the Community wanna have a lot more Gametime (minimum 720 Days), like the old X-Com Games have.
On 11/7/2024 at 12:26 AM, ih8california said:
Does this mean OPERATION ENDGAME will ONLY be on the orbital stations and NOT on the alien homeworld?
Will the orbital station map for OP ENDGAME be the same/similar to the orbital station raid map (mentioned in a previous diary)?On 11/7/2024 at 2:30 AM, gG-Unknown said:They mentioned before, "Orbital station mssion(s)" are new type of missions to spice up the last mile. Orbital station is not just the final mission.
There gG-Unknown have right. The Alien-Station Missions are Story-Missions, which get needed for the Endgame. Like in other Games of that Gerne (UFO ET-Series, old X-COM-Series, new XCOM-Series) you need to solve the Story-Plot to come to the Leader-Enemy / Leader-Enemys. Nothing other get implemented from the Devs here to upgrade the Game including the Gametime.
5 hours ago, Vishvogg said:Ugh. This is turning into project zomboid npc update all over again. I'm going to go invest my attention in a game I can actually finish. See you in a couple of years I guess.
That you can do, if you whish. But don´t pause to long.
That´s understandable Chris. The Dev Dirays need some time to be written (if you look to the ones from Paradox Interactive for their own Games, which are a lot for the Upgrades, DLCs etc). You and the Goldhawk-Team with the monthly Dev Diray make it correct. When the Dev Diray needs more Time, then i´t´s so, especially for good news.
Sounds cool. I paused with some previous Versions (Milestone 3 and 4) and wait for Milestone 5, which brings in complete refited and modernised pre-tested cool Content / Features before the Milestones come up. Milestone 3 and 4 brought in some interresting new Content / Features already, like rescue VIP and Xenonatus-Soldiers on special Missions before the playable Storyline beginns.
Played the latest Milestone 4-Variant a little bit to look what get done already with Milestone 3 and 4 Upgrades in Translation, Reworks, Upgrades etc. I like the new Missions and the Reworks for the Cleaner-Storypart as well as the reworked R & D. Keep up the good Work.
For Milestone 5+ I miss the Upgrade from the normal existing Heavy Cevlar-Armor to the Upgrade-Version from it with Alien Alloys. There you have already 6 or 8, which could get an easy Upgrade to the advanced Cevlar-Armor-Version.
I like the alreday integrated Interceptors from Xenonauts 2.
But I give you all right, that they are to less. If I remember me correctly, there are in Xenonauts 2 at the Moment 3 (X-17 from the famous Mig-17-Design, the 2nd Interceptor and the third Interceptor "Gemeni"). 2 or 3 more would give the Game more Pepper.
An very cool Thing in UFO 2 ET "Battle for Mercury" is, that the Devs have integrated Highspeed-Helicopters with a long Range. I call them Airwolfs like in the famous Series. Eventually such an special Aircraft could brought in Xenonauts 2 too.
Yeah sounds great. Very good Idea.
You mean like in old X-COM and new XCOM or similar in UFO 1 Extraterrestials (Standard-, Gold- and Platinum-Version) with the Alien-Cell-Container. Yeah, that´s something I miss in Xenonauts 2 too. That would make defenitly Sense.
The 2nd sounds interressting, you mean like in the Missions for the Civilian Rescues in the Alien-Tubes. Eventually it could be tested in an Experimental Version.
@gG-Unknown: I know what you mean, like in XCOM: Bureau and some other Games. That was an Feature 99% of the Strategy-Gamers don´t like and if it´s like in F1 Manager 2024 or Hearts of Iron 4 or Stellaris where nothing moves it´s much better. Then you can think about the next Step without having an high Stresslevel (like you have the full day with the Family, Work etc.). As an Alternative for Gamers, which wanna have this light Stresslvel, it could be implemented as an Option.
@Tchey: That´s cheating and not allowed. Don´t make yourself problems with that. Use Game-Upgrade-Mods if you whish, but don´t get the highest penalty for that Cheating from the Publisher, Developers and much more the fair playing Community. Therefore you have the official Option with the Auto-Mode or you play manually.
@CompoTheSmoggie: That´s cool, I played XCOM and XOM2 incl. all DLCs very long too. And after you start XCOM 2 / XCOM 2: WotC incl. all other DLCs (that´s an great Change to the Winning-End to the Predecessor XCOM: EU / XCOM: EW). The best thing from that new XCOM are the 3 Books which close the Gap between XCOM EU / EW and XCOM 2 / XCOM 2: WotC. After the End-Sequence from XCOM 2 / XCOM 2: WotC you get the Gapfiller-Game XCOM: Chimera-Squad. Last but not least there are the different Standard-Missions and Storyline-Missions from Dr. Vahlen, the Alien-Childs, the other Factions which help XCOM and a lot more, before you come to the Final Mission. That´s true, there you can play about 7.000 alone in XCOM 2 and about 12.000 Hours with both Games together.
@CompoTheSmoggie: The Weakpoint from Xenonatus 2 is the very short Game-Time, there I agree with you to 1Million+%. That the Founders and from beginning on Beta-Testers say that since the Game comes out. The big Strengh in Xenonaut 2 is not like in UFO 1 ET / UFO 2 ET / old X-Com and similar Fan Games the permanently UFO-Attacks. That was the big Weakpoint from Xenonauts 1 and all above announced Games. Where the Devs have to work on in that is an 2 (720 Days) to 3 Year (960 Days) Gametime. Maybe some more Specials instead only 08/15-Hordes from UFOs, which make Xenonauts 1 extremly unplayable. Simlar Problems have UFO 1 ET, UFO 2 ET, old X-Com as best examples.
Yeah, that I have noticed too. Xenonauts 1 have such an System, which show the Growth in Technology in Background-Pictures.
That’s the only big Thing I miss in Xenonauts 2.
Sounds and read very good. I will give Milestone 4 a big Test, after I give Milestone 1 a medium & Milestone 2 a smaller Test.
Paused for Milestone 3, which is an advanced Milestone 2.
Hi Mr White, when GoG have solved the Upload-Problem on their platform, there will be an Update for Xenonauts 2.
There the Devs have no influence, like they have announced in the Patch Notes in the second Introduction-Line.
Without the tactical Groups an Stress and Fatigute-System like in XCOM 2 can brought in. That get tested and it was not perfectetd for Xenonauts 2.
I love the Stress and Fatigute-Level from XCOM 2 WotC about it´s easyness & individuality for every individual Soldier you have. There you don´t need the unnessecary artifical variable, which makes Xenonauts to complex.
They will come when the Game is ready for them, which it isn´t for longer.
Summerized I explain that it´s not easy to make an Game for Veterans / Experts and the populace normal Gamers incl. bring in cool Content / Features we Pre-Testers think that have to be in.
Yeah, it´s possible. We Main-Beta-Testers have made an try with several Beta-Versions. The Problematic was and still is, that it dosen´t work good enough.
It get out of the Game after that big Tests with a lot of Upgradings, Reworks and Bugfixes about to much Problematics. Maybe it will come in again with an very good solution for the Game, like it get done in XCOM 2 WotC.
An other Option is to reduce the Screen-Size from that your Screen do maximum to an lower resulution-Size. I did that in Stellaris and Hoi 4 for example and can read the Texts.
gG-Unknown, I know what you mean. The Accuracy-Problem is a job-site, which we Main-Beta-Testers (from first Beta on) and the Devs trying to solve since Ground-Fighting-Maps are out. That´s not so easy as it looks, but it get a lot better since the kneeing-Bonus and the Equipment-Thing-Bonus come in for the Ground-Battles.
What the Hit-Damage belongs, that´s good as it is, when your Soldiers get hurt. If you make it harder as it´s now, nobody will buy and play that Game. You have to see that this Game is not only for the 5% to 10% worldwide Veterans / Experts, but also for the 90% to 95% Custom-Gamers. The heavyer you make an Game, nobody of the Custom-Gamers will buy it, which means that no Income can generated to hold it up to date.
Example: You have the first Armor-Plate and the Warden-Armour-Upgrade or an better Variant from the Suit / Warden-Armor-Variant and get hit with an very precise Plasma-Weapon. With less then 4 good placed shots your Soldiers are in the happy hunting gronds. That´s for the Gamers hard enough and is like the old X-COM-Games.
Where I agree is that that the Melee-Attacks could be much better in Accuracy with an Stun-Batton, Knife and other Melee-Weapons.
And I agree too that the Accuracy could be more cooler with laying down, kneeing, standing and with Technologys for the Weapons, Armour etc.
What I like in Phoenix Point / new XCOM is, that you can Augment or Cyborg your Soldiers to make them more effectivly.
The UFO ET-Row, which get the UFO 1 ET: Platinum-Version, have done an big Mistake too as an big example. There only minimum-Refits get done and the Main-Points like World-Map, Cyborging / Augment your Soldiers, flexible Vehicles from different Types etc. didn´t get an Rework / Refit, means it still have the 2000-Gamestile and nothing from the more modern UFO 2 ET: Battle for Mercury-Concept integrated.
Or Pardadox with the to heavy to play Strategic Games (f. e. Europa Universals, Hearts of Iron 1 to 3) up to about 2010 for only the 5% to 10% Veterans / Experts get the Custom-Gamers (90% to 95% worldwide) with an easy to learn and easy to play Stellaris / Hearts of Iron 4.
I have noticed that last Soldier-Bug in the Tutorial too like the Comrade report. The remaining Tutorial works as it should.
My thoughts of the milestone 5 (ongoing)
in Xenonauts-2 General Discussion
I´m not so far yet, but the 2 first Missuins (ATLAS-Base & Abduction) worked fine. I´m still in the first Month, but noticed 2 Problems.
1. In the Abduction Mission after Turn 4 the Saves are doing an CTD. Up to Turn 3 all works fully normal.
2. The third Mission (Convoi-Ambush against the Cleaners) load to 90%, then still loading for more then 10 Minutes.
That´s what I have noticed. The Translations for German have here & there some Translation-Bugs, which have no Influence to the Game.
All in All I can say, that the Milestone 5 is the biggest Step in the Game and after the Problems in Milestone 5 get solved with including the missing remaining Milestone 5 Contents / Features it gives an great stable Basegame-Version for the Final Basegame-Version. The Devs, Freelancers and Founders (Betatesters) are doing an great Job.
Xenonauts 2 have an big Potential and I hope that we will see Add-On-DLCs after the final Basegame-Version is ready and show up.