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Everything posted by Mecza

  1. Shots that miss are behaving very strangely. Shots usually scattered when they missed, but now my machine-gunner will fire 10 shots on target but only a few typically cause damage. The rest of the shots are labelled as "miss" despite the shots landing on the tile an alien is standing on. I believe there was a change for 1.53 that reverted to how shots used to miss before the experimental builds, but this effect seems to be out of proportion. Shots no longer scatter. I don't have to worry about putting soldiers in front of my machine-gunner because he can thread bullets between them when aiming at aliens. No longer do I need to worry about errant rocket shots. I really think reverting scattering back to how it worked in 1.52 would be perfect. The effect is so egregious that it seems like a bug to me. (As this is my first post, hello! I've been playing for about two months and the game is great. I just wanted to point something out I think is really important to how ground combat works.) Indeed. I've come across this as well. When first playing, not being able to shoot through windows until breaking it (through melee or shooting at it) really threw me off. I feel as if shooting through windows should be like a 20% block instead of the 100% it is now (or whatever percentage is seen as realistic/fun.). A shot that is not blocked would make the shot go through with the window intact and a block would break the window making future shots with a block chance of 0%. Not all glass is bulletproof. Until I learned about the melee attack, I thought snipers in buildings were pretty much useless. If this is a purposeful design choice, then I would love to see the explanation if it exists in an older post. I feel this issue is made worse if aliens don't actively break windows to make shots as this gives the players a slight battle advantage. Aliens usually shoot anyway so it isn't necessarily safe to stay behind windows forever. Just something else to think about.
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