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Everything posted by Bayonet

  1. Much appreciated kabill! Just like to confirm. -When a target takes dmg and loses armor value, is there any indication how much armor he has lost on Insane difficulty. -Are the armor values on wiki correct: http://xenonauts.wikia.com/wiki/Alien_Stats -What other weapons deal Kinetic damage apart from main weapons? -If I understand correctly...throwing 2 flash grenades will reduce a targets Chemical resistance, which increases the potency of stun gas. Im also interested in understanding the Suppression mechanic. Do aliens/soldiers have a suppression level? If a single rifle shot is 20 suppression, then 3 direct hits should equal one burst triple shot of 60. I do suspect the maths would be similar to armor reduction? Also, after aliens are suppressed, will additional flash grenades (or suppression fire) reduce the aliens TU available next turn?
  2. *Insane mode references (unsure if level matters)* Soldiers view is 18 tiles iirc. Can anyone confirm the view distance of a Sebillian and other aliens on Insane. Apparently Sebillian are short ranged, however in my testing - if 16 tile shot from a Sebillian is short range, what would a Andron range be when it's considered medium? I enjoy understanding the Sebillian alien. However the more I observe the Sebillian, the more I question my conclusions. Sebillian are considered blind thugs with short range (ref wiki). Yet it's apparent they do not suffer vision or accuracy problems as described. A Sebillian has shot and killed a soldier crouching from 16 tiles away, without LOS assistance from another Sebillian. Another occasion a Sebillian shot through a building, through two windows on a angle to kill my soldier in one hit, even though one window had a printer for extra shot penalty. My first approach was to simply gain sufficient cover to nullify the Sebillian completely, due to default bad accuracy and sight range. But that doesnt always prevent death. Second method id like to try is: maintaining a greater view distance over the Sebillian.
  3. First of all, thank you Devs and those who pre-ordered to create this game! *My personal challenge. Insane, Ironman, Rifle as main weapon for every soldier, cannot upgrade rifle, cannot use wolf armor or robotic (tank) armor. First time playing, enjoying the challenge. Feeling happy about capturing the first Sebillion I encountered using melee attacks and flash grenades *woot* for advanced medical pack. Questions. 1. Alien armor system. *Note, I understand EMP grenades are more efficient for Androns, just using Andron for example to understand armor/resist system.* Using a Andron (as an example) for Kinetic damage type example, im curious if the naturally high Kinetic defense can be weakened. If C4 was used before opening fire with Kinetic weapons, would the C4 weaken the Androns high Kinetic defense, allowing bullets to penetrate? Or would the C4 weaken the Incendiary armor allowing Frag grenades to deal more damage. 2.a) How many Kinetic bullets would it take to weaken the Androns high Kinetic armor so bullets have an effect, i.e. can aliens with high resistance type breakdown like a riot shield? 2.b) If a) is correct, does the raw armor value effect other resistant levels, i.e. C4 used to break Predators 'armor' (not Incendiary armor, but raw armor) so all four resistances is dropped allowing easier capture of Predators.
  4. Please add this feature!!! Example why it helps reduce mirco (tediousness). Group of 8 men split into two groups, each with a leader predetermined by the player. Leader set to 1 and 5. The leaders stats are important, since he will need enough TU to find cover when aliens are sighted, and enough HP to live a reflex shot. Once a location is scouted, the remaining three can be set to 2,3,4 or 6,7,8. So by the use of simple hotkeys you can press 1 to control the leader who finds cover, and quickly press 2 double click behind cover without panning the camera back constantly. This reduces the tedious task of clicking constantly and will speed the game up dramatically when players get used to it. Other players prefer using a scout+snipe tactic. But if you require soldier 1,3,6,8 to be snipers while 2,4,5,7 are scouts, its just a pain in the ass!
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