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Everything posted by drages

  1. Thank you too.. i would just say that somehow you could have an older XCE version because it handled with the last one as 0.34.1. Nice it hear that u handled it.
  2. I did not make the phases so long so you don't get bored with same things. So every phase is nearly same time. Do you think phase 2 need more time? What did you miss? And what difficulty. Phase 3 hits hard so you need to be prepared. Phase 4 is.. heh.. Phase 3 will have probably a totally new race too. A race which even preators fear. I can name them "unbalanceds" so at least I can have a excuse for their powers.
  3. I want to use older MK's for manufacture next MK but charon just does not accept this..
  4. Those 2 bugs are game engine related. If you fire a hmg just near some, his ears will have problems. Aside from joking, suppression is an aoe so we buffed then a bit maybe its the reason. Xenomorphs attacks so fast that you don't feel your wounded at that second. For this reason you don't see numbers. I love my excuses for game engine fails :).
  5. As I know, goldenhawk is an indie and get the direct money without only steam fee.
  6. Heh we did not try insane because we are still at sane part. I still have no idea why they don't use teleport. They got the skill and they don't have any special AI. But after they grenade they can start to shoot. Another thing is if AI thinks he is safe and cannot be killed so easily, then they can act as you described . They do this when you are start to losing too. So they adapt the position of battle. Even if u got only some soldiers left, they are just coming to u rather then kill you directly.. There is still some odd behaviors which I don't see any reason at coding. Division is pushing every game aspect so hard at modding so probably some things goes out of control because the devs did not count those to happen in game anyway. But they are not huge problems. Just I want to have teleport back. And to give it to some reapers and xenomorphs. Wouldn't this more fun?
  7. Before I jump to the swimming pool I am checking this place again. Thank you for any word you write here. For xenomorphss yes I like them but to have them in game its luck. A Russian guy created those for the game as mod years ago. So I used them. I can't lose that opportunity. Giving a spacial base to them needs , making them as a whole different race rather then a subclass and much map making skill. We need to create bases to them. I can play with colors and add the old xnt eggs to it but map making is our weak very weak point as x division team. We are using other maps and bases for x division. With the lack of map making we could not start for base buildings even which is the most basic map making. Alien containment was on the xenonauts development but they did not finish it like many nice things they started but passed after that.Xce tried to recover them but they did not touch this part, maybe they did not think its mercenary because live alien capturing is only at x division. For this reason we can make a special building for alive aliens even its half coded in game. Just spam to solver to help our mod improving projects. We gave him a huge list like I think there is already near 20 things we asked him to add xce. 0.35 xce can save the world but we need to wait it. Please Please just stop about early terror missions. They are as easy they can get. They don't have special terror units. They are lame guards and big drones only. You can do it.. About air game Charon air game is totally a new breath to xcom genre. You can like it or hate it. But its well balanced to people who knows or who gets how to play it. I am working on more xcom style one as you can beat it with not so much tricks. It will be a choice too. We are caring your ideas very much. We talk about anything u say at our chats with team. We got projects and remakes because you give us better ideas. So don't stop. But know that, you will fail sometimes. And swimming time
  8. You don't have xce. This mod needs xce. Xenonauts community edition . Regarding to all first fight crash problems, you need xce too and if you got it, you need to be careful at mod list. This mod got no problem about running. If you get crash at first ground combats , the problem is at your side %99.9. Terror ships are very hard but not impossible.
  9. You should not pass to p4 before our vacation ends. And you got a mech against it.. not fair.
  10. Yes a start should be a good way after patch. New alien big units added at final days and we did not have time to create a research or manufacture for them. They will be needed for vehicle manufacturing. I know that they can't fit to corvette but nothing to do about it because its 1 phase. As you have a vehicle, it's a balancing point.
  11. - I updated the AI at final update to fix some leaving UFO, hugging, harridan lame paterns and wraith grenade spamming. With my tests i think they all gone. The only problem i have is about wraith teleport.. they dont teleport.. maybe i did not see it at tests.. if you see them teleporting, just call me.. - Berserking isgone with charons efforts. There is oly paralyze. - Roll images.. of course.. after vacation.. - I like the GC main control UI.. if you got a better example, just show me.. - I am totally against increasing soldier number per drop ships. I am totally positive for fast spec ops transports. I don't want to use 20 soldier against poor aliens. As charon says, its a lame time consuming thing and it will make your soldiers just res skirts.. The biggest ships got 35-40 alien, so if you got a 16 soldier, it loses the xcom feeling.. 8 to 12 will be the max numbers.. I try to create the "overwhelmed by numbers" feeling at near later phases.. You all are at only at 2. phase so it's your good days.. - The best door solution is "only alien openable" doors.. if we got that option in future, i will make all UFO main doors and probably all alien base doors. I would love to have a "only ground tile melee weapon" to create welders for doors. But we dont have this and even we create a welder, it should be a ranged one (melee weapons don't break ground tiles, hardcoded) and it could be used on enemies.
  12. I don't like the game more as they just constructed by big race to fight. I would love to have them their personality. But it would be hard as classified with all ranks with different names.
  13. Terror site is the symbol of invasion. This is the first time you feel that they hit hard and merciless. There is no reason to terrorize the planet after 2 months for aliens. I could make it even a day one terror attack because the earth will know the aliens from those attacks already.. but nuking a street because there is 10-15 aliens is a lame thing, why would aliens let you nuke a invasion sight. Probably we will change it for much more reasonable thing. Bombardment is lame too..we need to find any other things for them. Maybe you should able to win that terror attacks, it's not absurd.. you can't win anything against an alien thread at day 1 or 30..
  14. So alien alloy is a problem for you about manufacturing new weapons? Hmm i will look for that. The basic thing u can do for more alien allow, you can go to tiles folder and give to alien ufo cores some of them from specte files.
  15. It was planned for 0.35 XCE by ilunak but he is gone now.. i mean the only alien openable doors. Maybe solver add it.. dunno..
  16. Heh, this is a standard "non-logical" thing for all X-com genre games. Our biggest problem is to able to make the weapons "hard". I mean as you said, with the alien alloy from a scout size ship, we could make a depot full of weapons and even armours even at least 2-3 vehicles. So this makes alien alloy something only for airplanes. X-Division handled both weapon-airplane manufacture with disassambe protocols. Armours with alien bodies.. Vehicles, probably with alien drone/tank parts in near future.. so the alien alloy is some kind of limited for you to not manufature everything so fast. If you don't need that why would you go for next ufo anyway? But yeah it could be balanced somehow.. but how? I don't know yet. Because alien alloy is very hard to count. Ufos and most of tiles in it, gives you an amount of alenium and alien alloy. So we need to count every ufos total alien alloy potantial. It is not impossible, even there was some charts about this from old times as i remember. But as i said, if we do what you suggested as 10x more alien alloy drop, 2-3 ufos will be enough for whole phase.. We got this problem more at little items.. for example grenades.. they are so little but somehow we need to connect them to alien alloy and alenium. For this reason you get multiple grenades and rockets from a manufacture. Another possibility is making the alien alloy drop so much more but still then all the items would need more too.. We are saving the earth with a 10 man group , so logic is not working everytime when you create a game
  17. My eyes gets bigger when i just read "0.35".... omg...
  18. You need to put it into xenonauts folder at your documents. You should see it.. strange..
  19. With your sacrifice, we fixed many things.. x-division dev team will always remember you! I will create an enemy named Morr..
  20. We will reupload the patch with inside door opened. You can redownload and repatch. But with the fixes at research tree, i think you should restart when its early.. no need to mess with old files.. research tree is one of the things that needs restart when edited.. sadly..
  21. I don't know. May be yes, may be no. Since I got shock weaponry I captured a lot of different aliens. I'm 100% sure that I didn't captured large xemonorph (not queen. queen I captured). And I had only one my base assault. I captured no one there. We opened the inner doors with this patches.. i think.. need to ask Charon.. Charon? All the techs need alive aliens.. caesans and sebs.. check your interrogations.. they are very important.
  22. Did you capture all aliens alive? specialists, soldiers..
  23. And because we will go vacation mod until end of the august.. please die in vain until phase 3.. we probably handled every bug for phase 1 and 2 and even more.. so i updated the AI for harridans and wraiths with more tactical and brutal things, i rely on them to not let you pass to phase 3.. and we will start to make paid DLC's after that to get your money.. you will pay us to die more! or just love us, its more then money!... aside joking please don't break the mod and die until phase 3.. replay that 1. and 2. phase more and more.. even a phase got more material then the vanilla game so 2 phase would be enough for you, for a long time anyway
  24. I think this was the problem. Now get your shotguns and hug the m.. f.. aliens butts!!! Charon worked on them so much! Use them!!!
  25. and there will be people who won't able to return to 5. and 7. steps.. we should make installs.. then people will whine because they got trojans and lame stuff which their stupid virus program told them.. bahh world... why did you become so hard to humanity????
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