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Everything posted by drages
At 5.3 when u are near all weapons start to shoot ground. Now it's fixed but heavy weapons misses more then rifles at near same situations. . I mean at melee range I miss 4 of 5 sometimes.. laser rifle mostly hit 3 of 4 and shotguns no miss nearly.. So I still give a reason to myself to use the heavy guns.. and as I experienced scatter laser is worse then our first heavy weapon as accurate and damage output. If u ask me it's very low shot per fire at scatter laser at all.. 5 at it and laser rifle is 4... so I think scatter needs at least 7... even so I prefer advanced ballistic heavy cannon much much more.. Heavy weapons need to be tested much more to get then to this mod..
To be honest I don't know why but heavy weapons are very bad at shooting at short range too. The problem is u need to stay a turn to raise the hit chance at big weapons like snipers. It's ok for snipers because u use them stationary but with a short range weapon u need to get closer or go in for Los. . So the chance is getting lower and lower. Even nearly melee range u miss so much. So if I need a short range good weapon I go for hellgate auto shotgun or laser rifle. I try to put heavy weapons in use. So at least I expect a good suppression chance.
So flashbang? is it ok just only one squere? Vipers dont need any car if u figure out what to do... i killed my first big white one with 12 grenade at same turn I think scatter laser is worst then ur standart heavy machine gun... and laser rifle now shoots 4 shotbut still only 12 at magasine.. but it hits hard so i think its balanced.. Can u stun vipers? what do i need to do? (XMT aliens i mean).. is there any gain for that?
I dont use the scout car mostly.. yeah sometimes it saves life but just at hard missions to sacrifice it.. its big, it doesnt fit mostly the corridors or roads with vehicles.. to be honest this is wrong and right same time from the vanilla game.. 2x2 was little but usefull at xcom but its very little if u want realism.. 3x3 is good but not so usefull.. i prefer to start scimitar with advenched dropship so 8 soldier with good tank...
I think yeah.. i need more scientist.. needed.. i think i will restart.. The terror site was after my bloody alien base attack... i got few reserves but the injured soldiers was at near dead.. I go for 1 gc mission per ufo attack wave mostly.. At XMT the research station only takes 10 rather then 15.. so a base need to be full of researchers..
TD; I got the base after veery very though fight.. But i start to lose the air fights badly.. Now there are battleships at air and i got saurans,corsairs and foxtrots.. and they are too many... realy there is about 7-8 massive enemies at skies... After base attack the recovery took about 1 week so i needed to pass terror sites.. Scatter laser is totally useless... laser rifles fire 4 per auto and it can penetrate and hit eneies more easily.. I try to figure out where i made wrong.. maybe its researcher numbers.. maybe wrong researchs.. but i mostly go fast forward to see the results of techs so i done only neccecary ones.. Game comes to a break at the point of mid to late game i think.. the game should give me about 1-2 month before i pass the late game period.. i need to have more time to research and build.. When i check the my play from beginning to this time, i feel i need 40 researchers rather then 20 but i dont have any idea how to support that.. becouse i still need min 50 engineer at least to do the airplanes in time..
Mid game is not easy. Maybe tactical ground is easier but air combat is becomes more and more harder faster then u develop. I got 3 bases and I start corsair now but massive ships with defenders flying in the sky. I still got foxtrot against big ones.. I just research heavy laser.. got 20 researchers and 50 engineer. A plane takes 3 6 days... so for 3 base 30 of the engineers only work on plane building.. still I can only catch large ones.. I still have only scout car and heroic 8 soldier.. I try to take down a base now but it's really hard.. I can easily why out with a enemy ambush. But I got a chance to win now.. at 5.3 it was a bit more hard over the enjoyment. Now I play normal but veteran would be more scary... Enemy got battle.rifle and I just got scatter laser.. it looks I am slow at research and weapon tech but my guns damage is fine for now.. I can kill anything.. sometimes it takes long sometimes fast.. Coyote armor makes me ignore 3 of 4 vipers and gorgols .. Melee enemies are very easy compared 5.3 . I made acid bomb and used but not necessary. Napalm is mostly useless just it explodes when u throw.. I want to make more researcherresearcher but plane building takes all my money.. so this is it for now..
Btw eggs are mostly invisible. Aliens too sometimes I reload. Coyote armor is missing for males at inventory screen. Can u catch new aliens alive? Is there a gain for that? BTW again TD. . There is so much to research and not enough time. I sometimes pass forward as much as I can to see what research I need to follow.. I read every note but sometimes I stuck with nothing after months..
As I see for a some hour playing... Aliens are more easier.. first one can be dead easily by rifle fire. Walking one is ok with snipers and bombs. Big white one can die with 3 rockets and 5 alerium grenade. Sadly flamethrower is no use as I see.. The advanced rifle is good really and heavy weapon is usefull again. . I am happy just don't need to spam explosives when I got nice guns.. He'll gate shotgun is very nice. I changed my flamer with shotgun. Rifle is useless when u have already got advanced. Didn't use the one handed ones.. enemy weapon research takes too long.. they got so much weapon.. First sectoid scout ships got the flying robot enemy and its weapon one shot u from sniper distance. . Nice surprise.. Money balance looks better.. u earn less and need to fight for money. A reason to go for ufo missions.. Please add the new rifles including ak47 descriptions. . I don't have any idea about the difference of the first rifle ak47 and he'll gate versions.. same as napalm and acid bomb.. Ai is making mistakes... it's nice to see that And I want to know that what resisted means... if it's resisted it mean it will never damage it or continiue to shoot until resistance gone?
Heh... yeah i figure that out.. i should not add this mod to a X:CE .. it should be only vanilla.. so i cleaned the XE from steam and added the mod and started.. nearly everything is working nice.. Now enemies dies faster for sure.. its still hard but winable hard .. i got flamethrower now and i cant imagine a fight at least without one.. I will contniue to play and after new version came up i will restart.. i realy love this game now!
Thank you for your time to answer me.. I just tried to finish a teror mission of reptilians.. This was the hardest tactical game play i played at my 20 year strategy gaming.. I used every possible tactics i know.. I gave about 6 hours for it and sadly gave up.. so its nearly imposible.. why? 1. There was about 10 ranged 10 melee enemies... and at that 10 ranged enemy, - 5 rocket style aoe weapon, - 3 3x3 aoe explosive weapons - 2 Long range shotgun style weapon.. So with this numbers and including granades, covers are mostly useless.. I need to use bombs on them so i try to get near, but then no time to escape.. even i escape, if enemy want kill me just come and aoe.. Every enemy got armors and their weapons 5x more leathal then mines.. 2. The AI is great... maybe one of the best one i fight against.. They stay at their building and they defend it well.. they only shoot when they are safe... So storming that building with 5 enemy with rockets.. yeah a heroic attemt.. So the raging enemies are very brave.. even i make very well covered battle zone if an enemy want u dead he just run to me and kills.. With dynamic tu system, they can easily shoot me enough to kill me.. 3. Bleeding... omg... Lets say, Enemy hits me for 2-4-5 damage at that turn and i become happy.. but after that turn.. 3 wound 12 dmg per turn.. one of my soldiers got 7 wound after one turn... and count this for the enemies long range shotguns.. A turn with tons of wounded ppl.. my fire power is miserable and 2 ppl try to heal others.. It can be ok... but why doesnt enemy bleed like me? i want to see aliens dies in vain with bleeding... I liked everything at this mod.. this mod made this game a real atmospheric horror game.. yeah trial and error is a good and my favorite style.. BUT... but... it should not stop the game enjoyment.. i play at normal and the diffucult is deadly.. Is there a chance to make it more playable? Or should i go for more easy option? does it make difference? And i dont have flamethrower... i checked but nop.. its strange.. i copied the mod files just a copy of steam x:CE 0.28 ver... did i something wrong? maybe this could make my game more complex-hard-not working as intended.. sry for my english and thx for reading
I asked before but nobody answered.. i got 2 problems about this mod or about me.. i try to figure that out.. 1. IS the all new aliens animations finished? The 2. and bigger viper (the white one and he alone can kill my all crew ) attacks me but i only see he came and my soldiers die.. no attack animation... and sometimes when i shoot enemies they dont show the hit by bullet animation.. is this a problem at my side? is there a way to handle it? 2. The game is realy hard with this mod and its realy good.. i mean i feel the presure.. but i think its more then neccesary.. for example at start of the game when i only got kinetic weapons, a new alien dont die full of shots of my all crew.. and i got now advenched kinetics and lasers and i am against the robotic ones.. i shoot everything.. laser, bullet, bombs.. the shoots are resisted, resisted, miss, miss, resisted, 1, 3, resisted, miss... i just go for a bombing-rocketing run against them.. no other weapon is not usefull.. 3. Sometimes when i try to shoot an enemy, even enemy is no cover, my soldiers shoot the ground tile of that enemy.. sometimes i think its a bad luck but it happens when they are near and with good acc. is it a bug? So please if u got any advise about those.. please tell me what i miss.. i am an ufo players since its 5 disc for amiga 500... the game is awesome and mode is awesomer.. thank u again..
Hey guys. I am thankfull for this mod... i feel the presure when i started to play this mod.. I got a little question.. I go for advenched weapons and now aliens just making party at my dropship ... So i think i will go for lasers as soon as posibble.. I meet with the 2. and bigger viper at my first medium ship encounter and as i predicted he tiered my whole team with 2-3 vipers with him... I just didnt notice his attack animation.. he just turns to my soldier and bammm.. So does he got attack animation or the mod's new animations arent done yet? And what is the difference between vipers tail and claw attacks? Thx! Waiting the new version!!!