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Everything posted by greendiamond

  1. i second this im so far behind i have no idea where to get all the patches and im not going through 51 pages to find them
  2. yea after i noticed this i immediately started to exploit it. its like having a remote detonator, which would exist by that point in time so i say this should be a thing.
  3. also it seems that if a smoke bomb goes off within range of c4 the c4 will explode regardless of how long it needs to explode. This is unrelated to the last glitch because there was no c4 out at that time.
  4. i just got a situation where i threw a smoke bomb at one of the greys and it exploded. When i say exploded i mean it entirely annihilated the forest the guy who threw the smoke gernade his buddy the alien and everything else in between. im pretty sure the destruction radius was larger then what the smoke would have put out.
  5. i ran into a strange glitch. when in the barracks the recruit menu would be over the soldier list menu and if i tried to go to the casualty menu the recruit menu would still be there. i could not get it to go away no matter what i tried. this occurred before and after the latest patch or at least what i think is the latest patch
  6. This forum does not recognize xenophobia based mods unless you specifically state it all replys assume you are running just xnt
  7. kind of had to be forced into a full re-download will this mod work for 1.09
  8. I was also weirded out by the c4 range I organized people around a wall ready to defend the hole but the moment I tried to put it down it was apparent I was dealing with a hell of a lot more c4 then I thought. Could you make a small c4 and a big c4 I would very much like that.
  9. Had the same thing except with c4 keep forgetting to test it though still getting crashes on alien turntoo rarely but that happens with vanilla too
  10. I like The kind of "oh fuck I should have seen this coming" kind of hard not the well looks like the number generator hates you take three gargoyles to the face and move 2 saves back.
  11. Ok so decided to restart the first few rounds are unfair in every way gargoyles have so much freaking health the first ship I shot down I saw one right out side the door. I snipered it shot it fired rockets at it the house it was in collapsed the whole damn thing was gone yet it was still alive and to my dismay there where two others right out side our vision and they killed half the team the other half couldn't do much in one turn
  12. That's what I'm talking about four of my guys got flash banged turn one and two of them panicked and one of them fled, maybe it's my fault for picking units souly on the TU stat but I feel it should take a little more then a loud noise to scare off "the best in the world".
  13. Is it just me or does androns make xenonauts freak the freak out a hell of a lot more then other aliens. In the average fight against them I'm lucky if half the team doesn't panic. One time I had a guy break down and run on the second turn even though we hadn't even seen a single alien yet let alone got shot at. The worst that happened that turn was a civilian died.
  14. Does anyone have a fix for this. Everytime the aliens finish their turn on terror attack missions the screen freezes on the hidden danger image and the game stops responding.
  15. exploding c4 just caused a crash not sure if the mod caused it sense i hear about c4 causing crashes a lot.
  16. yep there it goes any chance xenophobia will be compatible for a good while.
  17. they do behave a lot like eggs is there any specific way i can tell if it is an egg
  18. i re-installed and reapplied the mod everything seemed to be working fine everyone was running around and shooting except one red shirt casean still in the ship it never moved after one point and suddenly become a lot harder to hit but still had about the same resilience as any other.
  19. unfortunately i have already gone through an uninstall re install sense then it may have been caused by auto update sense the landed fight happened in a different session just started re applying the mod now.
  20. is it a glitch that caseans at crash sites just stand around don't move shoot or act in any way and can take shotgun blasts to the face and grenades can explode right under their feet and only take 5 damage. then ones at landing sites act normally and are not nearly as tough to kill.
  21. i tried looking around on various websites but all i could find was some suggestions made earlier on production of the game. adding in binos is something i was hoping to see sense i started playing i would be great to have useful snipers without having to through cannon fodder out in the middle of nowhere.
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