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  1. I am veteran of X-com style games and I have played tons of old UFO, X1 and X2. I have played X2 on Commander difficulty (3.0 version) and been enjoying game so far but I think this game has a lot more potential. Gameplay Pretty solid and classic. I like new UI and every small QoL features. I would prefer smaller group of soldiers (maybe 8-10-12). It´s easier to handle them. Having 16 in Pegasus seems a bit too much ... but ok:) Music / Sound I know you are working on those for 4.0 so will comment on it later. Graphics and performance Longer loading times are quite annoying but I see you are working on it. I haven´t seen any major bugs or freezes wich is really good for EA phase. I have to say I loved maps in X1 much more (especially with CE map pack). Specific art style and all little details were lovely. The current maps are rather small (which is not the biggest issue) but little dull and boring. I miss all little details, objects and more detailed textures. Progress / game pacing I would prefer a bit slower pacing and more UFO activities overall (but different mission I see UFO´s are coming in waves and it´s not a bad thing but I would prefer more randomness here. There are many days without any activity and the opposite. I would also love more variety in enemies and their ranks with possibility to interrogate them and gain access to specific tech (their pilot could know how to fight them effectively, their engineer should have access to their main tech, ... ) X-div did great job here. Research could be more tied to interrogating specific aliens (their engineer, medic, leader, ... ) or you could research smth faster etc. You could also get specific parts from their UFO´s (not just alenium and alloy) and use them to build more advanced crafts / gear etc. Economy I have no problem with game being hard on this difficulty but having all the time tight budget without possibility of making just researched things is quite annoying. I would prefer UFO invasion being more intensive but without $ limiting. I can accept lower starting budget but I think that every successful action (shooted down UFO, completed mission,... ) should have positive effect on monthly funding. (bigger threat eliminated = higher fundings - small UFO - 10k, Bomber 50k, ... etc and same would go with panic level). It would also work on terror missions too (XDIV did great job here). You would earn higher funding (from region) for each rescued civil / military unit (let say each rescued one 20k ). Also all changes in funding should be visible on global map (like in X1, x-division etc ) and pls remove funding cap (it´s quite frustrating doing well but getting nothing as reward) Diminishing returns on funding would be better than just capping it. Aircombat I can see some improvements over X1 (customization of aircrafts, UI ) but i would prefer more variety in UFO´s, their weapons and tactics. Also balance seems OFF (in favour of players). You just need to load enough torpedos / missiles and destroy UFO from a far without much problem.ove implementation made in X-division. It´s close to perfect. Real UFO invasion with great variability (you need different tactics, aircrafts there to succeed) In short UFO´s should have higher ranges, more hp, antimeasure systems. It would be cool to fight more advanced versions of crafts you have met before (aliens should improve their ships / tactics too ). I know some players don´t like this aspect of the game but you can make an easier combat for them (in settings). I would also prefer new tech having some drawbacks to force players make a decisions. f.e. Fusion torpedo would have higher damage but less range or ROF etc. Phantom x Gemini - Phantom being faster and more agile but Gemini being stronger with more hp and being able to equip more weapons and things like that. I think this principle should work across different tech. Weapons / Equip I would prefer more variety in weapons and their stats and new tech not just being better version of the older I see you have changed reaction modifiers on weapons (all weapons have 1.0 now?) but I am not fan of this change. It makes machine guns too strong while defending lines (probably too strong anyway, ... could use little accu nerf). The weapons are also too strong to remove cover (especially against UFO´s door, ... ) It shouldn´t be even possible to destroy alien´s hull with conventional weapons. Basic weapons I miss classic rocket launcher (with different rockets) New "multi rocket launcher" would need some love. It should cost lower TU for such low damage. Laser weapons Removes cover / armor too easy Other Mars / Ares is cool and all but I still miss old tank and other vehicles Pls bring more variety (cars, tanks, mechs, .. ) Maybe the best ship could carry them? (instead of 16 troops) I think grenade´s power should be based on distance (closer to impact higher damage) Aliens / Enemies could also use grenades more often (except androns) and different ones (Sebillians explosive, Psyon/sectons stun/chemical based etc. ... ) Aliens could have different resistances to force people to make decisions and adapt their gear. AI improvements AI seems improved but the civilians are still doing strange things. I would imagine most of the civils would crouch in the corner inside the current building and wait for rescue (if they know the truth) or run from aliens. I think civils and military forces and police should use cover more effectively and hide behind obstacles / near corners etc. I also think police and especially special forces (soldiers, ... ) should be well equiped (tactical suit, balistic shields, good guns ) and not be just chicken flying around .... I think the reward for dealing with enemy forces (especially in the Terror missions) could be based on rescued people but it needs better AI. Missions I would add more variety in missions in general. Btw I had three VIP missions in a row and not a single transport. Also more UFO related missions other than just base attack, terror mission / crashed UFO and elimination What kind of missions? - What about infiltrating and stealing data from an alien base / centrum - Searching for specific UFO based on radar transmission (would need upgraded radars) -- > shoot it down or wait for UFO landing and capture their leader / important scientist then who we can interogate for more techs etc. Extract VIP missions: Good small changes but general reward is meh I know it will give information leading to HQ but smth extra would be cool. Maybe some info leading to special tech or smth Eliminate VIP mission: There´s also no extra reward. What about some 200k $ cash or smth There could be also side quest / missions that would lead to special reward (extra $, special tech, ...] Maybe capturing specific alien (higher rank of Sebillian´s pilot, ... ) and interrogate him to discover his secrets (leading to .. ? ) Others I have no problem with soldiers getting XP slower but I don´t think such super secret organisation wouldn´t afford better soldiers. At least give us option to hire more experienced soldiers for higher price (maybe later) I also think that starting soldiers shouldn´t be all novices (maybe 50% of them). Thank you for reading:)
    1 point
  2. Hello everyone! April is now over and it's time for our monthly Xenonauts 2 progress update. Milestone 4: We've now done the bulk of the work on Milestone 4 and we've started internal testing on the updated campaign. Assuming there's no major issues we'll probably be releasing an early version of the build to the public early next week to get feedback - but initially this will be on our Protoype branches, as the build is currently too rough even for the Experimental branches. After a couple of weeks of polish the build should migrate to the Experimental branches, and hopefully into full public release on the normal Steam / GOG / Epic branches by the end of the month. Aside from the headline features for the build (Androns and the Harvester UFO for the aliens, the Colossus Battlesuit for the humans) we've got a long list of changes that should continue to improve the usability, balance, performance and stability of the game! Sound Design: Last month we brought an experienced sound designer onto the team to work on the game audio, as earlier in development we hadn't had the time and funds to give it the attention it deserved. Audio is sometimes an unappreciated part of game development, as the benefits of good sound effects can be quite subtle but are nonetheless very important. This month we've updated the strategy UI, creating nicer sounds for the standard click / hover / error actions and then adding new clips so give subtly different feedback for different actions a click can cause (like confirming an action, closing a window, opening a tooltip, etc). There's still a bit more work to be done on the UI sounds, but after that we'll be moving onto the tactical combat sounds and trying to give the different alien species a bit more character. As a side-effect of this process, we've also noticed various places the game didn't have sound but needed it. Some of these are already fixed in Milestone 4, e.g. now Medikits and the Automed Unit play a sound when healing a unit, and melee weapons play a sound if they miss the target. Levels & Environment Art: As Milestone 4 contains over thirty new maps, we've also brought on a fulltime freelance environment artist to help us improve the variety and quality of our tactical environments. We worked on an assortment of smaller tasks last month ranging from improving the ATLAS Base command room assets (wall screens and the command table) to fixing up some of the assets for the Alien Base maps, but once those were complete we began to focus on the Farm biome. Our plan is to add some new terrain objects and update some of the ground textures for the Farm to try and make the maps feel a bit more like a real agricultural environment, and then we'll be moving onto the Tropical biome to do the same thing (as there's not really enough tiles to do the inhabited areas of the Tropical maps properly right now). Once that's done, we'll be able to move onto our final biome - the Soviet Town terror maps! Alien Crews: This month we updated the crews for all the various UFOs / alien ground missions to ensure there was a steady escalation of new enemies throughout the campaign. The addition of Androns means we now have enough units to group the alien races together, so each species now has a dedicated secondary support unit and a terror unit. As part of this task we've added "heavy" variants of the Mentarch, Servitor and Cyberdrone that are tougher and have more powerful weapons, which start appearing towards the end of the campaign. We'll be adding new artwork and 3D models for these units in the next month or two. General Improvements: We've also made an assortment of improvements to other parts of the game. The air combat now supports weapons that are capable of shooting down missiles and we've added a new late-game escort UFO that provides an alternative to the alien Interceptor. We've added support for transferring scientists and engineers between bases. We've added a new soldier module that gives soldiers a 180-degree vision arc. We've made further improvements to the loading times, added many small usability features, and added various small new bits of content to the game. So overall it's been a busy month for us, with lots of good progress made. Thanks for reading and we'll hopefully have Milestone 4 in your hands soon!
    1 point
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