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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/08/2018 in all areas

  1. I'd be kinda curious to see the 100% unlocked AI @Charon but honestly, I think it would be too hard for me! Veteran X-Division is already very good at punishing your mistakes.
    2 points
  2. . Its a XCE featured requested by the X-Division team. You can thank @Solver for it. You hearing that @Svinedrengen ? Lots and lots of maps are waiting for your loving touch.
    1 point
  3. This new map looks very nice, there is lots of cover options not just for your troops but for civs too, good buildings to take advantage of (I really like that super tall office block) as well as mid-buildings with access to 2nd and 3rd floors! I agree that the landing spot does look a bit open if those shield walls were not present, first turn reaction fire from the aliens could be very harsh. Interesting that you should mention terror maps, as I played a Vanilla Terror map against Androns and it reminds me that it's a very bad map! I'm sure others will know this map, it has gas station to the north-west, north is supermarket with glass fronts, east is cafe / mini mart more glass fronts. South is mini mart with garage. They are separated by wide roads with some plant boxes on the curbs for light cover. The map is very open and every time I come across this map in X-division I curse my luck! It requires a huge number of smoke grenades to avoid long range enemies suppressing / sniping you, and as for the civilians... they just don't stand a chance! There is too much open space and line of sight. Did this map last night and every single civilian and local forces died (those robodogs don't hesitate!). This is a very typical outcome for this map, on other terror maps I can save around 40-50% of civs + local forces. Terror maps aside, I just learned you have the option to re-claim a base after failed defense, that's a very cool addition!
    1 point
  4. No. If i make better instructions the world invents better idiots. The more effort you put into instructions the lazier people get. At one point you are satisfied with how accessible your instructions are. No, it is not. I clearly showed this to you in teh video. If you cant understand that, theres nothing more im willing to do. Educate yourself. You dont have to. You can also extract them into whatever you want. The only thing most people understand is that you dont extract the main installation and the update into the same place as you did, thats common knowledge. And im satisfied with the accessibility and the amount of people who understand that. I hope you are having a great time with the game .
    1 point
  5. Yeh, we have steadily increasing the capability of the AI throught the versions. We increased it so much that we had to turn it down for the later versions. So what you are playing is a toned down AI of what is actually possible. Melee AI considers vehicles with the same priority as soldiers now and the rest got pumped up considerably. Or that might just be in the upcoming version, i dont know. We are still looking for ways to increase the AIs potency while still giving the player a, you know, game to play . I might consider making an option in the installer for the 100% unlocked AI if people wanna try themself against it.
    1 point
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