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Critical hits and associated effects idea


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I don't know if this has been discussed before or is not possible, if it isn't the what I am thinking can be taken as an suggestion that isn't feasible.

So in game the damage ranges from 50% to 150% to emulate the idea of projectile scrapping and projectile hitting a vulnerable spot.

Is it possible to add a "critical hit" effect modifier into the calculations?

An example for this being

-ignore armour value on aliens without helmets and inflict maximum damage

- insta-killing ceasans without helmets or impair accuracy

-"stunning" sebillians in the event of a "critical" injury for them to regenerate

- berserk or explosive androns

- wraiths that can't teleport(being hit on its glowy bits)

- impaired accuracy on harridans.

- not sure about humans, although I am guessing associated effects would be necessary for xenonauts too.


These effects could only last a turn on effect on the healing properties of alenium rich blood for the organic aliens. And for robotic, the systems counter-balancing the combat stress- unless it has exploded? And have a small chance to occur, increased in-line with high mitigation weapons.

I am just mentioning it as an idea and in no way expect this could be easy to implement. It could be impractical and potentially detracting from the game


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It is all good,thanks for the reply :)thought about when I looked over x-division mod discussion thread.

I thought as much and it seems it is something a community coder could potentially look at if they wanted to test how far the "black box" can be pushed for a challenge.

Anyway, no worries- I am sure the "unity age" of games like pathfinders will be far more forgiving in this regard :)

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