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10 Good
  1. Will it conflict with [v1.5/X:CE] Kabill's (Sort of) Random Maps!? (Which is included in 0.33)
  2. I play from Linux, but I see a "Community branch" available for download on the Linux version of Steam. It allows me to download and play it. Can I use that to get 0.33 instead of having to install everything manually?
  3. After all the posts in this forum and other forums that just dismiss the complete game for not being a carbon copy of the original or other issues, I found this thread refreshing. I enjoyed X-COM a lot and I'll recommend it to both fans of the original and people not experienced with turn-based games. It's not all perfect though; I agree with most of the good and bad points that Chris mentioned. After finishing it I was satisfied because it is a great game by itself, but since X-COM never pretended to be similar to the old game I also found myself looking forward for Xenonauts even more. Keep up the good work
  4. We just reached 150k. Now, I'll hope for a 190k miracle
  5. I'm glad that the game reached the Soviet Town terror mission tileset stretch goal. Anyone wants to donate 40k $ so we can also have the Military Base terror mission tileset?
  6. Thanks for your answers I can understand your reasons for not making research progress obvious. I agree, some mechanics should not be obvious to avoid min-maxing. I also believe that sometimes realism is counterproductive; it should only be used when it adds immersion and it does not substract fun. Now I'm convinced that my original idea is not that great. Having said that, the 99% efficiency implementation does not remove the original problem I mentioned. The optimal strategy is still to add all of your scientists to the same project (unless you have a huge number of scientists, but in that case you don't care about research progress anyways). This makes researching a no-brainer. I can also understand why this could have a low priority, though.
  7. Well, I ran a quick test or two, but nothing very thorough As Gorlom says I was misled by the UI. Adding more scientists even displays "Excellent" progress messages. IMO, there should be more precise indications of how efficient your scientists are being at the interface.
  8. I would also prefer a native solution, but after a quick search at the Playground forums they don't seem interested on creating a Linux port. Asking anyways wouldn't hurt, though
  9. I use Arch In my experience with linux development, linux distributions are similar enough to ignore their differences, unless the game relies heavily on desktop environment specific stuff. Usually you only need to think about a specific distribution when coding except for packaging, and you can always release a distribution-agnostic binary.
  10. It would be nice too, but it sounds more complicated to implement. Since the progression reduction by scientist number already fulfills the purpose that would be a nice secondary goal. If that's already the case, I did not notice it. If diminishing returns are already implemented for science project, IMO the game interface needs to be more clear about it.
  11. Currently, research progression is linear. Each scientist you add to a project contributes equally to its progress, no matter how many scientists are working in the same project already. This means that the optimal strategy is always to research a single project; that way you get the benefits of each project as soon as possible. As long as things remains this way, being able to research multiple projects serves no purpose. I think that each research project should have an optimal team size. If you are below that, research progression increases with each scientist added to a project. Each scientist added over the optimal size increases the progression marginally, but it still helps a bit. With this system, the best strategy is to assign the optimal number of scientists to each project. But in case you desperately need to complete a certain research project, adding all scientists to it still has a purpose. What do you think?
  12. Yes, and from what I have seen they might become more useful in the future. I think that we should have some simple way of accessing those news.
  13. I agree, it would be great if civilians were more intelligent. In one mission two of them ran into smoke and fainted. They also like to sprint in front of aliens, and to run in circles.
  14. Hello! I have noticed some news popups appearing at the bottom left corner of the screen, but when the game is on fast forward they dissapear too quickly. I think that they should stay longer, and be more noticeable. I missed them completely on my first game Also, I would like to know if there is some way to display a log of recent news, just in case you miss one of them.
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