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[Suggestions] Dropship inventory, overloading and crash site missions


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I had a few ideas while reading a couple threads here

Dropship inventory speaks for its self. You could load say a couple backpacks' worth of stuff into the dropship and it will be accessible from any cell within the dropship.

With overloading, you would be able to cram the dropship with as many troops and/or vehicles as it can physically fit, but there would be a number of risks: It would slow it down somewhat and also increase its fuel burn, decreasing its range and making it somewhat more vulnerable. There would also be a risk of crashing which would be somewhat slim depending on what it's loaded with exactly. What you put in the dropship's inventory would also have an effect.

Dropship crash-site missions; Basically if a dropship crashes or is shot down, in the geoscape you must send another dropship to recover the troops, or after a certain amount of time they would be recovered by local forces. If this happens, it takes somewhat longer for them to be returned to base.

If the aliens get to the crash-site before hand, you must defend it.

I think it'd be best if everyone survives the initial crash with varying levels of health (Perhaps relatively heavy injuries if it's shot down), but equipment other than their primary weapon, maybe belt contents, and armour, is scattered around the area. The dropship's inventory would be scattered potentially even further.

Someone suggested having the dropships armed with door-guns (For ground combat, not air), I think that would work well in this context.

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