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  1. Hi everyone, been searching through the MODs and trying to come up with a recipe for perfect game. First off I want to say I love this game and love the concept. I have a background in Special Operations with the military for the last 10 years, so I love games that represent realistic concepts. Yes even when it involves aliens....lol. Things I am looking for in a MOD 1.New Weapons. Especially starting weapons. You are telling me the most elite unit in the world cant get anything better than a standard m16? How about a carbine M4 or add some night vision scopes, Grips, Flashlights, extended clips. Machine guns need to be able to fire 2 times if not moved entire turn. 2. Uniforms, look like they are working at a gas station, would like something looking more tactical. 3. Missions are repetitive, Would like to see some rescue missions, retrieval missions. How about if a chopper gets shot down you need to fight off a enemy attack until rescue shows up. How ever fast your rescue gets there depends on how many waves of attacks you need to fight off. 4. Humans vs Humans. Would like to see some human vs human action. Maybe some people are working for the Aliens, maybe some humans don't want to cooperate. Maybe some terrorists get a hold of alien technology and need to be dealt with. 5. Morale, Would like to see leadership play more of a role. Can be an attribute that can applied to any player that helps boost the morale of other players within a certain radius. 6. Suppressive fire- Would like to see a mode of fire that any automatic weapons can do, Machine guns specializing in it. Entire turn spraying a cone of fire that denies enemy that area or face a chance to be hit. I have many more but thats all at the top of my head. There may be lots of mods out there that can be combined with desired results. If so please let me know some that could fit the bill. If anyone that is great at Modding wants to get together to talk about some concepts I would love to add an element of realism that my real life experience in non alien fire fights could help. John
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