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Found 4 results

  1. Reinforcements' mod adds up to 8 more slots to The Chinook. Total of 16 Xenonuats can now ride in The Chinook. Reinforcements.zip Reinforcements.zip
  2. So I just got to a Terror Mission and I wasn't able to get to it. In X-COM, if memory serves, the Skyranger could go anywhere in the world...eventually. This is not the case with the Chinook. Was wondering if that was intentional. Mainly, it serves to increase the costs by necessitating more than one strike team. EDIT: Now that I think about it, I might need to check to see if the Chinook was fully refueled. Now I'm not sure it was.
  3. It's the third week in January. I've just had the largest wave of UFOs yet. I'm about to take off for a terror mission, when I see a landing ship angling in towards my base. Sure enough, it's a base attack. Glad I held off, as several builds ago I had to defend with three injured soldiers. After the base attack, it's off to a landed Cruiser. Then it's off to a terror site in Kiev (I take on the UFO). As I'm returning I see that there's a landing in Canada. Do I have enough fuel? I surely do, and it's another Cruiser. While getting to the Cruiser my interceptors take down a UFO just over the border in the US. Alas, it's only a Heavy Fighter, but I would probably have had enough to get there too, had it been a crash site. That's probably the longest the Chinook has been up for me. Never mind all my posts about grenades. I really, really needed them all here. Note: I look out for the Base Attack just from experience with the game. In waves of UFOs it's going to catch out a number of players with a Chinook in the air. Now, if I didn't have a few spare soldiers that would be game over. Just something to think about.
  4. When trying the combat missions, seeing the crew compartment empty made me feel like the transport flew itself. The pilots step out for a smoke? I didn't have that problem with the original x-com since the pilot spaces were just external graphics and so was just assumed the pilot was in there (I never presumed one of the combat troops flew the thing). It Might be great to see a couple pilots sitting at their seats pre-occupying themselves with shut down routines or reading a book/drinking a coffee while the combat team do there thing Maybe if your hovering over them you can hear pilot chatter or them listening to combat chatter of the other units? Communicating with home base? Maybe if an alien gets on board the Chinook both pilots can shoot (auto/npc) from the cockpit? Can't help thinking of James Cameron's Aliens scene when the drop ship takes off but has an uninvited visitor Anyway, great Chinook graphics just felt like it needed a little extra life in it. Thoughts? I checked a bit to see if this has come up before but didn't see, please post a link if there has already been talk about this
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