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I had 2 dropships in my first base. After the second base got a hangar I relocated a dropship with the 8 soldiers within. The ship moved, the soldiers stayed back. After that it is no longer possible to assign any soldiers into the second dropship. I have the feeling, that the game still thinks, that there are 8 soldiers in the ship, so it wount let any more assignments. So I have a useless dropship.
At the moment there are two screens for soldiers. General recruitment and Outfitting. This system has some serious problems. Its clunky as hell. Probably this is to do with importing the basic screens from the original version. Personally I think both screens could be combined, although its probably too late for that, so duplicating info between sceens would seem to be the way to go. Data available on one tab isnt available on the other. You cant tell a soldiers damage on the outfitting screen? why not, why should i have to check one tab to see if they are in fact healthy or injured then refer back to the outfitting screen to see if a current soldier is worth replacing. I ususally decide wether or not to take one soldier over another based on what role they are good at (ie sniper/heavy support). This information is not available on the general recruitment screen. Also max HP info doesnt seem to be available anywhere (i may be wrong). Also a shortcut to the Dropship layout screen from either or both soldier screens would be useful and I'd be very happy if it was implemented. Again digging around in another tab and sub tab to do this is clunky! So clarification of where I'm going wrong would be appreciated as well as comments from others that this is an issue/or not for them would be great Thanks Alex