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Found 2 results

  1. Hello everyone, I'm here to tell you if you haven’t heard about AntiChamber well now is you time to check it out. This game destroy’s any gamers perspective of how to go about playing a game and presents you with puzzles that follow non-euclidean based themes such as infinite loop stair cases like the works of MC Escher, or perception based puzzles in which depending on the way you look at a puzzle, the solution might change. If you get the gist of what I’m saying, then hopefully you’ll understand me when I say that this is a conceptually evolutionary game that presents us the gamer, with new and different avenue’s to go about problem solving and also challenges the current game design model of linearity while still be a very fun puzzle game! So, join me everyone as I take a long and hard journey of thought and understanding in the nether reaches of the AnteChamber. We'll solve puzzles, get lost in puzzles, become puzzles!, and most important of all have some good ol' fashion fun! AntiChamber Part 1: I also create MMO, Let’s Play, and Walkthrough Guide Content on my gaming channel as well, check it out! I just Like to make gaming videos, been gaming all my life, but I’m definitely new to making LP’s and Stuff so hopefully my contents good enough for you all. My Youtube Channel: https://youtube.com/TOOpowerful9000 Buy this game on Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/219890/ Would Love to hear feedback either on the channel or here if you like or dislike the commentary! Thanks For Watching!
  2. Giovanni


    Just discovered Antichamber, an indie puzzle game that seems to be really mind blowing.. Has anyone bought/played it yet? I'd like to have some impressions before buying it.. You can find it on Steam (18.99€, about 25$, if they apply the right change)
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