This happened today...So, all my soldiers are dead, but my scout car is still alive, but out of ammo. There is only one alien left and I can play hide and seek with him forever since the scout car is faster than he is and he doesn't know where I am currently. This is stalemate. What's the answer? Some ideas. My guess is that this could also happen with one of your soldiers being left too.
#1 - IMO, at a certain point (30 turns??), if you've held the aliens at bay, local forces should start coming in to help you. The aliens certainly aren't going to get reinforcements. They should start appearing at some at some spawn point and just keep coming in every turn until the aliens are dead.
#2 - Declare the mission a tie somehow?
#3 - Reload the ammo in the vehicle somehow?
#4 - The mission simply ends after a certain number of turns and some type of score is calculated?
#5 - All vehicles should probably have an unlimited secondary method of killing aliens. IMO, none of them should ever run out of MG ammo. They should be able to carry HUNDREDS of round of MG ammo specially the Hunter since that's it's main weapon.
Just pointing out a flaw in the game logic.