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  1. IDEA: Make the AI units avoid hazardous tiles (always for civilians, and if they can help it for aliens and local forces, depending on the alien unit) and, since there now is a pathing algorithm for ignoring hazard tiles (the current) and one for avoiding hazard tiles (the new one) give the player the choice between which one to use, via a setting "Avoid Hazardous Tiles" defaulted to off. EXPLANATION: So, the AI should be, well, intelligent, right? Walking straight into a fire or a column of stun gas isn't intelligent behavior, and should not happen, especially for civilians (who are pansies and would probably run away from the scary purple gas, not walk into it). Solarius Scorch brought up an issue of the Xenonaut pathing not taking into account fires and other hazardous tiles, but simply having the soldier walk straight though it. He suggested forcing them to circumvent the tile, but that would limit player choice too much, since some of us don't care if we walk into fire, stun gas, etc due to advanced armors, high health, whatever. I disagreed with his specific idea, but liked the concept of avoiding hazard tiles for the obvious AI benefit such a pathing system would have. This is what I had to say on that other post: Since the AI units should act intelligent and avoid hazardous tiles, such a pathing system needs to be made anyway. Based on what little I know about the pathing system, we could just make the tiles with fire and gas on them unpassable to the unit, so it would look like they're avoiding the tile but in reality they simply cannot walk on to it, or so their pathing algorithm thinks. Again, civilians would always have this "Avoid Hazardous Tiles" system in place. The aliens and local forces would have to have a system in place to choose which method to use. Perhaps a simple probability thing would work, where there's an X% chance they'll use one pathing system over the other. This X% could be changed based on various factors, like morale, HP, TUs, etc. I think that if they have a lot of HP they'd be more willing to risk walking through hazard tiles, if they have more TUs then walking around would be better, and if they are shaken and panicky they would me more likely to "not notice" the hazard since they're not thinking clearly, but are trying to run away or whatever. Would this work? I think it'd be an excellent addition to the AI, and make it much more convincingly realistic.
  2. I've already posted it in the ground combat UI thread, but then I've decided to make a new thread as it's a specific issue. Please tell me if you agree. To sum up, this is a surprisingly major issue for me. Sure, it's rare and technically can be avoided, but... it happens anyway! And is stupid.
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