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Found 2 results

  1. Would it be possible to be able to add an option when creating maps, to allow the the Chinook to begin the mission on level 1 of the map, instead of level 0 ? This would then allow there to be a level beneath the ground. This would open up the game to have the maps such as Mines, Catacombs, Bunkers, Sewers, Basements and Caves modded in at a later date. Not to mention sublevels for potential Hive missions. Another option with this would be that it would enable the chinook to land on top of a building and a mission to clear out the occupants from the top down.
  2. Currently, a map is seen as a collage of yellow rectangles (the submaps), all labeled with a more or less descriptive text. I suggest that someone who generates a submap can save a thumbnail of it's ingame looks (or a crayon drawing...) to the same folder. This would not 100 % represent the exact submap because obviously, that is chosen at random when a battle map is generated. It would, however, show a generic overview of the level because something barn-like would be some kind of barn, a N-S road would be some kind of N-S road... No true WYSIWYG editor but a huge step towards user-friendliness because you could "see" how the level fits together.
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