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Found 7 results

  1. Hi! I am Commander Tasku, fan of the game just like rest of you guys out there. I was thinking of making some new youtube videos of xenonauts v20. I am also thinking of using the Lore+ mod again. It seems Max_caine and a333 has been working hard with the mod. There is room in the squad so let me know if you want to join the squad. Also tips and tricks are most welcome if you have had the time to play the new v20. I made some videos of xenonauts v19 stable gameplay that you can watch meanwhile. Here is link to my youtube profile: http://www.youtube.com/user/tascruel
  2. A few people have already found it (highfive), but I started up a play-through of Xenonauts in its current state several days ago. I've been doing update videos for a while but haven't had much time to really play it until recently, so it's effectively a blind play-through if you're into that sort of thing. I look at it as a way of seeing how intuitive and balanced it is for an X-Com veteran. I'm not very far in it and I need to restart already (Hotfix 1), but I hope some people are willing to come along for the ride. I'll likely accept volunteered soldier names later on; for now I'm sort of enjoying the defaults. I could use some help tip-wise as far as research paths and all that goes, but try to keep the backseat gaming to a minimum I intend to keep it going throughout beta. Some updates will probably break the save but that's fine. It depends on what the update does, but I may just get back to where I was off-camera if nothing in the early-game was modified heavily. Chances are I'll try to continue where I was and just refer to an update video for the details. Edit: Celebrating Steam release; started over due to popular demand:
  3. Feel free to sign up, either in the forum or in the comments. Could always need new soldiers. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ghlVEAA1EqE [video=youtube;ghlVEAA1EqE]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ghlVEAA1EqE Yes, I do sound like a little girl. Edit: Also, I kind of act like the audience is dumb a bit, saying "If you don't know what's happening, whatever," because I was originally going to post this to facebook until I noticed the people I'm friends with would have no idea what the heck it was anyways.
  4. Betuor

    X-Com EU LP

    I so plan on starting a X-Com EU LP series. I was inspired by watching a Yeti in a closet (note: it wasn't my closet so it's ok) do one of tftd and it brought up my desire to do an LP again. I was just posting to see if anyone here has any soldier requests. I'll take names, loadouts, and looks. Expect to see this series in about a month. After it, I plan on one of Xenonauts and X-Com: Apoc..
  5. Starting up a Let's Play of X-Com: Terror from the Deep on superhuman difficulty. I'm limiting myself to using just one base in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, and I'm not reloading. I'm using XComUtil 9.7 for the bug fixes and to disable mind control. Could use some soldier names if anyone wants to get involved. I don't claim to be an expert at the game, but I know what about half the buttons on the Triton do, so.. could be fun? Links:
  6. (Message francais plus bas) Greetings! In case its not the right place to post this kind of topic, i would like to apologize and delete the thread, i dont want to look like a spammer or anything. I would like to promote my videos of me playing this wonderfull game, but since they are french i also have to include a french part to this topic. Link in case you dont mind it being french. ---------------------Francais--------------------- Salut! Je voudrais promouvoir ma chaine ou je parle et je joue a des jeux indie/qui sorte de lordinaire. Presentement je suis en train de jouer a Xenonauts et je me suis dis que vous seriez peux-etre interesser! Voici le lien pour l'episode 1 de ma serie Xenonauts.
  7. Tell me what you think! Also, please let me know if this kind of thing is supposed to be posted in another section! Hope you enjoy!
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