I've experienced multiple situations where within a certain, seemingly random turn, nobody (any of my units or aliens)manages to hit anything regardless of high to hit probabilities, even from adjacent squares. When this occures, the bullets tend to hit targets feet (ground in the same square) without any impact sound(?) which looks always kinda cheap regardless of the situation - I think most missed bullets should fly past it's target..
Anyways, when this kind of turn happens, my whole squad might miss their every shot no matter how easy and after that, aliens do the same. Next turn everybody hits with no problem. Posting a save doesn't help, because after loading everything works fine. I have a feeling it could happen when shooting from one submap to another or near ufo (from outside to inside) but can't say anything for sure.
This is the single most frustrating bug in the game! Has anyone else experienced the same, or am I making this up in my head?