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Found 2 results

  1. I was just reading about the psychological effect that the use of a flame thrower had on the folks at the wrong end of the nozzle. Apparently, flamethrower users were rarely taken prisoner. They were just shot, due to the horrendous injuries & mental trauma they inflicted. Would an additional morale effect be useful in the game when such weapons are used? This simulates the horror of seeing your colleagues die/ be injured in particularly gruesome ways? today's post has been brought to you by the word Flammenwerferapparaten
  2. There has been quite the argument on building the perfect flamethrower... or at least any believeable one. This. very this. you could also increase the damage in the center of the stream slightly to replicate the extra fuel burning there. Yeah, that would be the difference between real life and the gaming niche. honestly, I think that 6-8 squares is probably enough range for it to be useful, but that will have to wait until we get to playtest to see if it feels right or not. after all, if the enemies see you at 13 squares (like in XCOM) then you would be hard pressed to use the weapon effectively. it would own the hallways on anything larger than a medium scout though. unrelated, but I have no issues with fire being able to curve around a corner; since we're not going to model the sheer amount of heat as a chance to harm the enemies, it's a useful trick to get enemies that we couldn't otherwise hit. after all, we would have to know that the enemies are there first, right? using it to burn around a corner is still the same niche: nailing an enemy that is behind cover. it's just a little harder cover than usual is all.
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