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Posts posted by SainnQ

  1. Shit, I suck at communication.

    You know how, building a corsair could take X amount of days with one Engineer, but for each additional Engineer a given reduction in the build time is shown?

    I was hoping I could tweak the value by which each engineer/scientist lends to an overall reduction in R&D. Did that make sense?

    I was hoping there was a more elegant method of modifying research & manufacturing times. Rather then just going in and halving or putting the R&D time in as 1 for everything.

  2. I've been googling and perusing the websites search function for roughly 30 minutes or so. I tend to just look, and do fine in finding what I need to know. But this required me to make an account.

    I know you can outright modify the days required to research/manufacture something to completion, you can modify the holding capacity of the related facilities to increase your overall personnel up to the maximum capacity.

    But is there a way to modify the bonus individual staff members lend to research or manufacturing when assigned to a process?

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