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Everything posted by Xenu2112

  1. Well I reloaded from an earlier save near the end of March, and started ramping up my air force. Now I'm (mostly) in control of the skies! It's early July, I have 3-4 Marauders at each base and I've managed to catch up on my weapons/armor research, too. So I'm back and in much better shape than before. Thanks for the tips, everyone!
  2. Just what the title says. I have a Terror Mission that popped up in a lost region and my guys are in serious need of rest. What are the ramifications if I skip it? I'm already not getting any more funding from them, after all.
  3. Great, gonna do that right away. Thanks for the reply! My explosives research is up to date (I'm pretty sure). I made some dumb mistakes in base placement (ended up having bases in both North and South America when I should have just put one in Central America with extra radar) and I was too focused on outfitting my squad at the expense of my air force, but now I know. And knowing is half the batt...well, you know
  4. First post here... absolutely loving the game so far. Im looking for some advice. This is my first playthrough and I thought I had been doing reasonably well, but now the skies are swarming with UFOs and I can't even begin to contain it! It's mid-June, I have 4 bases with at least 4 planes each. Still have Condors for about 1\2 my planes with at least 1 Foxtrot at each base plus as many Corsairs as I've been able to crank out (4 now, I think). I guess I should have prioritized my air force research more, but I honestly did it as fast as I could. I'm about 3/4 of the way through production of my first 2 Marauders. I've done 6 terror missions, 4 or 5 alien bases, I have plasma & Buzzard armor, I'm just starting to research Mag weaponry, and overall my ground-based game has seemed to be going great. On the globe, though, since around April, Battleships, Cruisers and Carriers are absolutely swarming me and I just can't keep up. For every UFO I take out, four get away, and I still haven't been able to down a Battleship. Now it's starting to seriously affect my funding and my global relations. Am I close enough to the endgame that I can still power through it, or am I pretty screwed at this point? I'm currently in the middle of an alien base mission where I hope to catch a Praetor (insert Chris Hanson joke here). How far away am I and what should I prioritize from here on?
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