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10 Good
  1. Ah yes, that does it. For that turn, it will only target him if CTRL is held
  2. Guy ran out of his ship, I reactionfired, didn't kill him. He's plainly standing out in the open with 4 people looking right at him but I can't select him as a target. If I 'end turn' he doesn't move and next round you can shoot at him. Save attached. [ATTACH]5117[/ATTACH] Cant_Target_Alien.zip Cant_Target_Alien.zip
  3. Might seem a bit pedantic, but a clip is very different from a magazine when it comes to firearms: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clip_(ammunition) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magazine_(firearms) If you support mods, I'm sure you'll get a detailed gun mod or two and they'll want it to say magazine.
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