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Posts posted by blackwolf

  1. OHHHH LOL, i though it was a real xeno you were planning..i almost piss my pants of fear only with the idea of that nemesis lurking in the shadows hungry of my poors and lovely soldiers :'c!.

    That's sound cool!, and yeah it sounds cool, what about a different variant of small hovers..like a black elite version, wich contains a smaller but stronger weapon?..also every andron crew should have at least three small hoovers and maybe one bigger one (bigger numbers in bigger ufos of course)..if you think about it every alien have a "support/pet" alien with them, so it sounds logic that the drones(the small hoovers) are their lirel fetching pets you know xD.

  2. I just grabbed this as it seemed interesting. What is stopping you from making the tool tips and xenopedia entries BTW? Do you need someone to write them?

    hi ozzy the problem aside that drages have a lot of work(plenty of it..and he is doing mostly single handed)..is that the tooltips are changed manually..so if you make for example a tooltip for the raimbow kitty pistol which do 15 cuteness damage, of course it will work as intended. The problems appears if drages decides to change it into something like"the badass chest haired cerberus cannon"wich have 99 damage plus a 15% of change of pregnancy...that manly man weapon with contains the kitty tooltips. Sorry the drastic example but i just want to make it quite graphical xDD..with every hotfix that contains a tweak,nerf,buff or any little change inside the weapons stats would make "useless" the tooltip MAKING A LOT OF CONFUSSION in the players (for example choosing a weapon instead of other thinking it got more damage, but it was nerfed so it actually does less damage that tooltip shows). And because making tooltips is a really long and tedious work, that is not in the list of priorities (thats why most of the bigger mods in the forum doesnt contains tooltips).

    Of course if anyone offers to make them it could be added and of course modified everytime it got a hotfix, but it should be done by a another person rather than dragues, so he could still focus in the badass part of the modding work :D.

    I made a ranged, teleporting, armoured creature which zombify!!

    hi dragues i remembered in xnt version 5.0-5.2 where delta vipers got that ability...and was really painfull and feels quite of cheat by the IA :c. Im not saying is a bad idea..im just saying it has to be carefully done, or will make more bad than good things.

    Maybe adding them in the mid-late/late game...or making them a little squishy or with the same rule of wraiths of :"teleport no movemente that turn" rule ..Hope this works this time and you can handle it and get a cool addition to the game :P!.

  3. Its a game issiue and i think they handled it with 0.32.. i didnt try it myself..

    Progress Update:


    - I added 3 melee xenomorph from XNT..

    - I created 3 more xenomorph with dark-green color of old 3 ones..they got much higher stats and with armor penetrating claws. they come and slaughter you.. very funny.. u start to laugh after a while :)

    - The xenomorphs are heavyly resistant to ballistic and chemical, good resistant to energy but no defense against fire.. flame thrower time!!!

    - I took the old ones from AND_Greats xenophoia update so as i tested there is no invisible bug with 3 of them..

    - Queen and eggs.. i think i will add them too.. but much lesser eggs for sure..


    COME ON YOU UGLY BASTERDS! do you want a piece of my...come and take it!!!

    ;Pyromaniac feelings intensifies:

  4. are u sure that, u read it here? anyway.. not so important..

    yup finally founded.

    I just encountered nightmare scenario. Landed landing craft with sebilians and 4-6 reapers. Now theese wankers are terryfing on the level that chrysalids from xcom represented. Mission night time, map road with woods. First turn all civs turned into zombies. Sebilians trowing that red chem grenades like they got surplus stock of it. End result lost whole battlegroup of Lt\Sgt\Cpt.

    Veteran really punishes you, if only for having balls to try it.

    if you could ask him a savegame prior/during/ that ground combat, could be easily checked if reapers got the ability to zombify :).

  5. actually i liked that "urban city" sound..because i readed that in xce 0.32 there will be added a new "sound code rule" giving you the oportunity to add a specific track to a specific kind of map (imagine that with the sound of warning sirens and maybe shooots and explosion in the distance)..that would add a LOT of personality to every map:

    *adding crickets and animal sounds to farm maps would make you feel more "paranoic" because everything feels really peacefull and you feel alone..but you know YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

    *adding (dont know the word) wind howling like in the blizzards to artic maps..gives you the same loneliness perception like in farm maps.

    *and of course adding those combat and alerts to urban maps would make you feel you are in a really big combat..a great chaos and havoc around you and you are not the only one fighting (there should be a regular army from that country fighting somewhere else in the city)...the sirens, screams and crying would make the combat feels more "important"..that you are fighting right here in your home, trying to save mankind..you know what im saying?.

  6. hi, regarding all those "missing sprites",specially with shields, if you want to report it do it following this scheme to falicitate it correction:

    missing sprites founded

    USING X pistol.

    using Y armor.

    and if you can also try to make him do every action you can (try to leap over a wall,trow a grenade,shoot every tipe of shoot that weapon allows, face all eight directions,crounch in every direction)..i know this could be a pain in the ass, but with this is easier to know WHAT spectre fails, and WHAT sprite inside that spectre is missing (this help the process to be more faster).

  7. another silly, i mean REAAAAAAAAAALLY silly issue is that mostly new weapons doesnt have a "floor image", so when a soldier panickes and drop his weapons, sometimes is kind of hard trying to find where he dropped because you dont remember the exact tile he was standing xD..this could be resolver givin then a temporal floor sprite and then make a new one (in the LONG.."LOONG future" after everything is working as intended, and you only have to polish some features here and there.)

  8. mmm if your mod doesnt show on the log file, is not for your mod atributes, but because the modinfo.xml , i dont know much about the mod tools but i guess "it doesnt" work because you have added your files in your folder correctly but not activated via mooding tools in the laucher.

    all modinfo have this inside:

    <?xml version="1.0"?>


    <Name>Super Duper Wolf weapons</Name>

    <Author>Some guy</Author>

    <Version>over 9000</Version>

    <Description>All the information in this example is false..but i hope you get the idea, try adding this into a xml file, then adding it in your mod folder and try activating it in the launcher, cheers, i hope this help..</Description>


  9. I made those questions before but , and if you let me give my 2cents :P:

    Well about the surviving in crisom dagger, the LT. andrianova was ..you know.."hurted" (dont want to make spoilers)..so she later present to the general kirov's daugther, kseniya kirova, and if you put the 221 in the line for special soldiers in the option window, you recruit her. And for the npcs, should all the personal be capable of defending themself in a attack right?, besides the enginer one looks more like a laser cutter,or electrical wielder :P.

    But More drawing about iceland incident could be really cool :o.

    Edit: regarding the character..i guess you were refering the AFTERMATH of the novel ending, by the way she talks , i suspects she is some kind of talent hunter or something, maybe she is some type of scout moving across the world, interviewing and recruiting those "elites" soldiers from across the armies in every country affiliated with the xeno-program or something.

  10. in the way his posted i suspect that the sprite for the "basic armour" is missing in the spectre or something.

    But double checked both with basic,jackal and coyote armour without problems and my soldiers look totally normal with a "heavy machine gun sprite" as normal.

    @brown..something really funny happens after i try your savegame, suddendly all soldiers got 6k of tus,gaining 800 in almost every stat. so im pretty sure the problem is that you are using a gameplay savegame prior to hotfix 5, dragues stated that to have hf5 making fully efect we should start a new campaing(it sucks i know..but sometimes the only way to improve the mod is killing your older savegames xDDD), tried a new campaing, all stats normal and i think your research bug is "fixed", sorry but start again and confirm it please >_< .


    can provide you an actual savegame for testing in a point close to where you are so you can use it to check if work normal and confirm if there is something wrong (with your folder or something).....BUT tomorrow ,imma sleep now X_X, here is 2 am in local hour, so im tired and i have to wake up early X_X.

    Hope this helps and good luck in the battlefield :D.

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