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  1. Thanks for the help! Follow up Question. Once I unpack the units, i would need to create a copy of lets say all pistol animations for all different armours and rename the folder for the weapon i created. ex weapon.combatshield.mac10, once I do that, I assume I would need to repack the files, if so I also assume i would need to add the newly created files to log.txt that the unpacker creates, so it would repack the new files ? Your insight is greatly appreciated.
  2. Hey Everyone. Can't seem to find an answer to this, after playing around with the assets, I created a new weapon, that i can add to the current ones. It's a variation on a handgun, I get it showing up fine in the game, the only issue is that when the soldier has it equipped the animation that plays is one where he's empty handed. How do i get the one where he's holding the pistol ? Files modded : weapons.xml + weapons_gc.xml + items.xml Thanks for the help.
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