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Posts posted by b15h09

  1. Maybe a little late for any input here, but I just want to say, do what you do. I hope to see the forum as the primary place of communication. I personally feel that the Xenonauts development period was one of the best I've seen. I suspect it's partly because you weren't offering any preorder exclusives that such a wonderful community was fostered here, so that was a good call (offering something exclusive seems to attract a certain type that may be good for financials, but bad for community, if you know what I mean). I never felt pressured to buy, so I never felt you owed me any sort of release date. All very up and up. You seem to have stayed engaged with the community, provided steady updates, but most importantly, you never rushed your game, and it shows in the quality of the final product. All in all, I think you found a winning formula for community communication (and fostering a good community) right here. Hope everything works out that you can do the same in future endeavors.

    Also, where do I pre-order Pathfinders?

  2. So what's consolization? Tedious, boring, annoying bits taken out for more dynamic fun to play systems after extensive (internal) playtesting? You do know that the original was a console title (playstation, amiga) to start with?

    I generally consider consolization to be when options are reduced to accommodate quicker play and a limited input device.

    Consoles are great for action games where you're controlling a single characters movement, but I find them pretty lacking without keyboard and mouse support for strategy or tactical games.

    In the end, most people can afford a console and they're about as easy to mess up as a microwave. That gives them the largest market share. Most AAA games will be target that market. PC gets relegated to mostly ports.

    Is one better than the other? Well, I can play any console game from the PS2 back on my PC using my PS3 controller through bluetooth. I can play those wonderful PC games that have lots of menus and options that I so love. I can't play any PC games on my PS3, though (I wish I had the old model with Linux capability). I can't play Battlefield 3 with a keyboard and mouse on my console. However, I can play with my friends online that can't afford a decent gaming rig, and most games are designed for my console first and foremost, so they don't have frustrating ported controls (I'm looking at you, Skyrim). Both have their pros and cons.

    PC is definitely superior in functionally, but it's not so affordable. It's kinna like comparing a Ferrari to a Ford Focus. Wouldn't it be great if we could all drive Ferrari's?

    It wont be a graphical updated exact copy like Xenonauts is trying to be (heh even Xenonauts has some changes over the original).

    I don't look at Xenonauts so much as changing things, as much as refining things. I'm not sure if Firaxis is innovating or butchering, yet.

  3. I don't see how Firaxis could be a threat. By eliminating TUs, ammo, expendable soldiers, multiple bases, decent squad sizes, ect. they've really gone away from trying to satisfy the itch that old fans of the games have had. In turn, that may drive more sales to Xenonauts. I think it'll be fun, but I don't think I'll get the pleasure from it I did from X-Com, nor the pleasure I think I'll get from a released Xenonauts.

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