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Everything posted by Anticept

  1. Clever, didn't think of a base defense role for quick switching. The idea with crosshatching and greyed out items is that it reminds us what role we intended for that soldier. No surprise on game balance, but I find it odd that peering around corners would be an engine limitation... Oddly enough, I haven't had the issue again yet. If it crops up again, I'll post.
  2. I know that you guys said the game is considered "feature complete" and are in a bug fixing kick now, but if you should roll out an expansion or another feature patch, a huge help would be the ability to save individual soldier fittings instead of just to classes. Additionally, when a soldier is unassigned, the equipment loadout should not count against base stocks. It's very painful strip fitting and refitting injured soldiers, especially since stats will greatly affect what I load on them. If base stocks are low and I assign a soldier, give me a warning that the soldier could not obtain all equipment, and give the missing equipment a red crosshatch as an indicator that they couldn't find it in the storeroom, so I know I need to come up with something else if need be. Finally, vision around corners. I get that this is meant to be a successor to the original x-com gameplay, and probably don't want to make it cover based like XCOM:EU, but being able to walk up to a corner and see around it would help in a lot of engagements tremendously. As for buildings: it's really hard to put soldiers on upper levels when there are multiple soldiers in a building, or behind it. It absolutely refuses to show the floor of the upper levels and I've lost more than one soldier to an alien hanging out on top, and I'm unable to throw grenades or move properly.
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