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10 Good
  1. I am a late comer to the game, just bought this weekend. Have been very impressed from what I have seen so I also wanted to congratulate the developer, hopefully your rewarded well for your effort.
  2. Ok, thanks, no big deal....when it does get released, do you just use the old email link you got during purchase to re-download?
  3. Hello, I did end up purchasing the game from this site, which gave me the Humble store version and the steam key. I installed the steam version with no issue and it is the release 1.0 version. However I noticed the Humble store version was still an older build. Is there a place to get the release version 1.0 build for Humble? I went back to my download link and it does say its still a version from April. I know I can just use the steam version and it will also be the current version, but also prefer to keep the non-steam version updated as well. By the way, been having a lot of fun playing....thanks.
  4. Thanks...purchased and looking forward to playing.
  5. Thanks Chris....I am assuming if you still pre-order today from this site, the steam key you get would still be good for final version? Is that correct? Looking forward to playing...good luck with your release!
  6. Hello, I am new to the game and based on the news of release coming soon, likely will purchase. Is Steam the best place to purchase from? Will Steam be the primary platform supported going forward? Or is another store the best place? Thanks!
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