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Everything posted by FireStorm1010

  1. Ha:) Do you see the girls in bikini with champagne and the applauding crowd just ahead of you? Its the freaking finish line Congrats:) Nice, if the final version is out, gonna install then and start playing soon.
  2. Well if you read my prev posts and tried to understand , you wouldnt have a reason to chuckle. I wrote i trust much more payed proffesionals then amateurs, that was my main point.
  3. Do you guys even read what i write or are just happy to bash? I wrote i have played some mods and found them very good like long war in xcom.So i know some of them are very good. I also played the much advertised Darth war mod for Total war Empire, and with all respect to the author, i tought the vanilla was better. Its not a question of open mindness, more of amount of time and how you want to spend it.If i had a lot of free time im sure i would be more willign to try more mods.Each to his own i guess. Just wrote my posts to point out for some of us mods and mod supprt isnt really important.
  4. Well i do appreciate their work and that they want to do it for free, but personally , as said, i wont risk trying them unless in rare cases, i just have to little time. Its just my personal opinion, no offense intended.
  5. To op : I agree on nearly every tought/ I ecpecially agree that tight maps and the mob activation mechanics really detract from tactical gameplay, as you must be very wary in your flanking and other manoveares and the strategic lack of freedom feeling. Despite it all , thanks to imho mostly brillant tactical play, i do love Xcom EU and EW. Also makes me even more hopefull for my preordered Xenonauts as it seems we got similar tastes:) @Victor_Tadeu Well im on the other side with modding. I nearly never play mods. My games are mostly strategies and i simply dont trust some unpaid, amateur guys to fiddle with the complex mechanics and test it well. Also often those modders leave their work unfinished. There are some exceptions like the long war mod for xcom which won me over, but i really need to learn a lot and trust the professionalism of a modder to try his work. With Xcom as example, i dont want to learn, after 5 hours of gameplay, that mutons elite in the mod are tottaly unbalanced (eaqsy or hard side) or of some other stuff that will ruin my fun.
  6. Hello everybody, i have been peeking here for ages and finally decided to buy the game , after watching some recent playtroughs on youtube and enojoying what i saw. I am ,as you might say, from another camp, as I loved Firaxis XCOM EU , but i do hope to have great fun with this one too , i think they both can be good tough different games. I loved the orginal UFO EU and Apocalypse... I wont install until its officaly finished as to enjoy the final experience, keeping my fingers crossed and thanks the devs for the perseverance to finish it. To be honest i didnt preorder before partly in fear it will never get finihsed...
  7. What about a simple rl solution? Imho in rl the soliders dont throw greandes at everythign simply because they are to hvy to carry more then 2-3 and prolly to expensive compared to bullets.+ i think a grnade is pretty short range compared to gun fire.
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