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Posts posted by MortuusSum

  1. First off, I just want to say that I think the in-game music is excellent. However, since any music, no matter how good, gets repetitive after playing it for several hours, do you guys have anything going on in the background while you play? I usually either listen to some Two Steps From Hell playlists on youtube or whatever podcasts I happen to have downloaded on iTunes.

  2. Rookie orientation training: Now includes courses in how to scream and beg for mercy in 33 languages, and simply how to scream in another 12.

    (This is surprisingly important. Accidentally scream out the wrong phrase in Klingon, and you will really have a reason to scream. Or in whatever body-language Reapers use.)

    Is that a subtle Pratchett reference I see? Well done, sir!

    On the main topic of the thread, I believe that some slang commonly used by rookies (especially near the start of the invasion) might go something like this:


    Translated to standard English, this means (roughly) "Oh dear, I am quite likely going to die".

  3. I use smoke grenades a lot, and I've found myself wishing they lasted longer, mostly because I think they should have a tactical use beyond "shit I left that guy out of cover, better drop some smoke on him". I know out how to change it, but before I go dicking around under the hood I figured I'd ask why it disappears so fast now, in case it's for balance reasons. So, why do smoke grenades currently have a 75% dissipation chance? Was it ever different from how it was now? What kind of effect did that have on their use and balance?

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