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Posts posted by Burzmali

  1. Both observed during Operation Endgame:

    Aliens can see and shoot through the starting door, and the wall next to the door up to two squares deep.

    Has anything changed with the crouching bonus? I'm getting sub 25% hit chances with 100 accuracy snipers against crouching targets in range but out of cover (I get 95% for the first shot, they suppress, and I get around 20% for the second).

  2. Berserk does that. It randomly selects a random target (often the closest one) and shoots at it, or doesn't shoot anything at all. I had it often that soldiers got into 'berserk' and killed the closest Alien, often a Ceasan.

    I've had soldiers berserk and target and kill aliens that are beyond LoS, so "closest" is a relative term. Also, civilians seem to be as good targets as aliens, I've had berserkers target the local forces over aliens as well.

  3. Even with the new patch, aliens seem to have near perfect knowledge of what is happening in their ships. From the landing ship on up, there are magic lines that cause aliens to flood your location. It seems exploity to have your entire team line up in front of the invisible line even using up their TUs to do so, because the player knows they are safe. Also, door blocking is still a thing, but removing it would increase the difficulty significantly.

    Also, I had a blue (soldier) Andron bounce a direct hit by a mag railgun round. I know there is damage variation, but a lower tier enemy surviving the highest tier vehicle round seems a bit much. Is there anyway that direct hits from AOE weapons could be granted additional damage?

  4. Looks like I will be completing my V22.5 run with 2 Aerial terror missions, 0 Ground terror missions, 2 Alien base missions (mediums), 0 Base defense missions, ~100 downed UFOs, ~75 crashed UFO missions, 3 landed UFO missions.

    I have 3 bases, 2 with battleship-combat ready dropships, all with at least 3 Marauders, and 2 workshops.

    Just for comparison with the anticipated experience on Veteran.

  5. I may be wrong but i believe this is a limitation of the game engine. I think it was mentioned in a post somewhere that the engine treats vertically angled shots as a number of horizontal steps. So when attacking you get a benefit over ground cover near your position but none over cover near the enemy, which explains why that bench seems abnormally high, at that point the shot is treated the same as if fired from ground level. You can see how the squares for the shot suddenly jump down a level just past the edge of the building.

    I cant remember if they had an extra bonus added for elevation or not, perhaps it was just mentioned before but never implemented. At the moment using elevation is suicidal in my view as you get no cover bonus and are basically exposed to most of the battlefield.

    If that is the case, increasing the number of steps might be a good first step. An elevation of 2 would bypass cover out 4 squares and height 3 would bypass either 6 or 8 (2 x 3 or 2 ^ 3, whichever is bettered balances)

  6. Not sure what you mean by that.

    In the first image, you see where some square are adjacent on an edge instead of a corner? For each tile above or below the horizontal from shooter to target, you are going to have 3 of those connections. Ideally, the pattern for counting those increases would be identical regardless of targeting from left to right or right to left (in fact many games work this way, the targeting function always checks from the endpoint with the lesser x coordinate to the one with the greater, etc.). However, Xenonauts clearly calculates from shooter to target. In the images above, you can see that in the first image, there are 4 corner squares between the target on the right and the first adjacent squares and in the second image, there are only 3 squares coming from the shooter on the right and the next square was adjacent, sending the los into those rocks and terminating it.

    What this means is that if those rocks weren't there, the paths from left to right and right to left would be identical, with the exception of the adjacent squares. Due to rounding, those 3 squares might be different by one place on each path. Normally this isn't a problem, but as you can see in this example, on occasion it can result in the path entering a blocked tile in one direction but not the other. I am assuming that the algorithm rounds up, meaning that the steps happen closer to the shooter, meaning that if a rock out cropping with below the horizontal closer to the left shooter/target, then this situation would be reversed as the L-to-R path would have an adjacent square one position closer to the left end than the R-to-L path.

  7. and 8-14 people to fire them. Lets make it happen. 1% win for transports. I would like to say that they fought the good fight, and the xeno menace left them alone.... But pris-----Earth is not some fairy tale world.

    Considering the amount of damage you can do to a UFO's interior with explosives, I'd imagine row of rocketeers on the back of a dropship would be a fair threat.

  8. Another problem:

    Roofs don't provide cover, at least on the desert landingship map. I've got a sniper on the roof being hit with rounds clipping through the scenery pretty flagrantly. Unless these buildings are for little people, my sniper should be getting hit while crouched at 3 squares from the edge, unless he moonlights as the center for the Knicks.

  9. Yeah I've found its completely possible, despite any unlucky RNG odds to protect against early nation loss, but it requires a dedicated strategy of putting up 3 bases and stocking them with early foxtrots by late month 2. It is kind of forced to do this until mid month 3 latest when you might get a remote air terror site which will lead to loss of a nation (probably australia or south america).

    My strategy has always been bases in months 1, 2 and 4. Australia is the only continent that really at risk, but it seems to be the smallest to boot, so normally it isn't a problem.

  10. I think the bigger problem is that I'm pretty sure that you'd still have a blocking condition if the Seb was 2 squares lower. Currently, it is 3 squares above horizontal, I haven't checked 100%, but I've noticed that the LOS seems to pass through that adjacent square any time the target is above that line.

  11. I prefer more sandbox games to story driven ones. Problem is that you are going to lose country at the beginning of the game, when you don't have enough coverage yet. It is purely based on random number generator outside of player control. Most people would probably stop game and start new one, since it is mostly the end of first month. So, it would be great to give player some control back and let him recover from bad RNG by his action.

    I doubt it, unless you have been playing a different game, I've started around a dozen games on veteran and have yet to lose a country that I couldn't yet protect.

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