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Posts posted by varnav

  1. Т.к. письмо с форума icongames не приходит, пишу тоже сюда. Насчёт здоровья у техники.

    Фраза "здоровье жёсткого диска" ни у кого не вызывает вопросов и повсеместно используется.

  2. А вообще споров станет меньше если чётко определиться что делается - перевод или локализация.

    Перевод требует точности в ущерб благозвучию. Локализация позволяет более вольную трактовку.

  3. "Страж" звучит хорошо, а со словом "часовой" ассоциируется спящий на посту тощий солдатик.

    Что до единиц. Неметрические системы мер официально используется только в 3 странах из 250. США, Бирме и Либерии.

  4. I was playing for about 30 hours and here are some notes and noticed bugs.

    It should be possible to read briefing screen for tactical missions when mission is loading.

    And loading is too long for year 2014.

    It's not cool (and wasn't cool in original UFO game) to wait wait wait looking at the "hidden movements" picture.

    I've hired scientists but got "items arrived" message. People are not items.

    Russian name 'Matej' is wrong, 'Matvey' is ok

    Right terror ground mission is won - terror warning still appears number of times.

    Upper quickslot (grenades) is broken

    Curse of X-Com 1 and 2 - if only alien remains on huge base/terror site you can spend dozens of turns to find him

    I've seen alien base with area hidden behind only closed door. Had to blow up that door. Is that ok?

    It's possible to spend medkit and TUs but not heal above 50% of health.

    Open new project. "Commence" button is not available, as there are no free scientists. Lower amount of scientists for current project. Button will not appear before you reselect the project.

    Disengage button has to set time to 5 sec, as there could be other targets nearby. Also many interceptor dialog would profit from "new target" and "center time=5s" buttons.

    Engineers should be auto assigned to next pending project if current project is complete and they are idle.

    Dying civilians scream like aliens

    Base defences get auto-upgraded after newer type gets researched. But when UFO attacks the base - old defenses are reflected. Also, it is possible to build outdated type of base defence.

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