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Everything posted by Mercent

  1. Hi all, with V21 the smoke from smoke grenades no longer cut off line of sight of the enemy and only allows for accuracy reduction. With this change, i find its usefulness greatly reduced and there are many occasions when my men moved locations under the smoke screen but still bought it. So my soldiers now carries flashbangs and shock grenades instead of smoke grenades. What are your experiences with the smoke grenade?
  2. i can confirm that this happens during mission hopping as well. Edit: i think i know the reason for it. It has to do with wounds. If a guy is wounded, max health pts threshold dropped, and if he did not recover never to regain his max possible health pts, he will have excess of health pts over the threshold in the next mission. It has to do with the calculations i think.
  3. Hi Chris, i got this problem as well. I believe one have to follow these steps for the problem to show. 1. small alien craft appears 2. send a condor after it 3. alien craft flies over water 4. condor catches up the alien craft over water and the option to engage appears. 5. choose 'Tail until overland' 6. Whola..condor follows alien craft all over the map and the option to engage never appears again even when they are overland. So the condor tails the craft until it runs out of fuel. I encounter this problem for a couple of times and my solution is to pay close attention to the chase and once they are overland, i have click on the condor icon and select 'engage tailed enemy' If i send a foxtort after the alien craft instead, the screen offering option to engage will appear when they are overland after playing tag over the water.
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