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  1. I posted this here, mostly because I am myself not sure whether this is a bug or a feature - the xenopedia does not mention this at all as a drawback leaving this ambigious, I too heard Chris mention this as a bug way back. I'm not sure though weather somewhere in development this became a feature instead of a bug, to act as a sort of "counter-balance" to the Valkyrie.
  2. I always assumed they caught the Valkyrie back, because I had a play where they were unfortunately shot down - on the way back I tried the whole returning to their drop "squares"; didn't work. Like its fine that there is no cover when they land, its clearly feature - but not being able to return seems to be quite a draw back - even though generally I never ever aborted with a Valkyrie.
  3. Is there a way for the Valkyrie drop ship to successfully rescue a ground team when they abort a mission, similar to how you would abort an alien base raid - where you simply return to a designated spot usually it was inside the dropship. But since there is no ship to return to maybe there is a Landing zone that they could rush back to, if its a feature then rather than some bug - then okay then I am curious why the best dropship is missing this capability though, its not like the dropship can't land - because the Valkyrie is the Xenonauts return transport.
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