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  1. Hi, I am on the current experimental branch and ended up with a savegame that gets stuck while loading. Any interest in that? Best regards, Sven
  2. Hi, I am on the current experimental branch and ended up with a savegame that gets stuck while loading. Any interest in that? Best regards, Sven whoops, wrong forum - sorry!
  3. BTW your server clock is off by about 10 minutes.
  4. I beg to differ: I am on the latest experimental branch and the improved medkits can be used for self healing.
  5. nice, finally a fine reminiscence to the original x-com. some thoughts: - hotkeyed quick save/load - end turn should default to the enter key - configurable mouse over delay - hotkey for some sort of grid display (like weapon range or movement range) during ground combat - ESC key always able to return to previous dialog - rotate the ground combat screen by 90 degrees - wider scroll bars (they are kind of tiny with higher resolutions, making them hard to click) - event log in the main navigation bar - transparency if the cursor is positioned on an opaque object like containers or vehicles - ability to rotate items in the inventory grid - geoscape: use function keys or numbers for base selection or actions (like science, build, soldiers etc.) or both - mention the ufo size in the screen prior to ground combat - the default fire modus should be single shot - use some hotkey for the selected grenade, like "g" or such Updates as I progess through the game: - the base build screen should have some sort of mouseover for the different tiles and their description - same for the ground screen and animate objects. perhaps a question mark for unknown stuff and target stats/vitals for known stuff - i couldn't heal myself with the improved medkit at 1hp and while bleeding. bug or feature? so much for now. usual disclaimer: if some of those feature requests have been posted already - sorry cheers, Sven
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