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Posts posted by frank_walls

  1. Depending on the terrain shotguns/carbines can be very effective. I try and maneuver my guys so that the shotguns are hiding behind corners up front, and the sniper, rifles, and rockets hold back and provide cover. The problem I'm running in to is that there are 20+ guys rushing me at once, and correct me if I'm wrong, but the aliens never run out of ammo and never have to reload.

    I just started over on v22ex1 because I got a game over, so I'll see how it progresses with a fresh start, but those terror missions kind of wiped me out. I was close to building a Shrike but just couldn't get the money up because all I was doing was fighting terror missions. Couldn't shoot down very many UFOs because my planes were all too slow, and basically lost all my nations.

  2. That's why Frank Walls is having such difficulties with the terror mission. The AI is REALLY good.

    It's not that the AI is good, it's just overwhelming. I can pass the terror missions, but it takes at least 5 to 6 attempts (not including restarts because of crashes). That's just too may on Normal difficulty.

    Of course I haven't gone after a downed UFO yet. I get a terror mission every few days because I don't have any good aircraft ( a result of minimal amounts of alenium) and can't shoot down enough ships.

  3. I'm enjoying the aggressiveness of the aliens, but it's just a little too much. What's the point of having these large intricate maps to fight on if you never make it more than a few steps out of your landing craft before you're surrounded?

    However, I haven't made up my mind yet. I've only been getting terror missions so far, and those are rough - with the only tactic that's worked so far being to hole up somewhere and wait. It's fun at first because I have to change my tactics, but it might be nice to see their tactics change. Is it possible to have different AI depending on the map? For example on one mission the aliens may be hyper aggressive, but on another the same race would be less aggressive?

  4. After 11 tries I beat it! And now I'm stuck on another one...

    The major issue on these missions is that everything on the map attacks me at once. By the 4th or 5th turn I have 3 Reapers running at me, 6 to 8 Sebs, and 3 to 4 Drones. The Drones actually aren't too much of a problem, but the for every 2 or 3 Sebs I can kill 2 or 3 more run into battle. For every one Reaper I kill they turn at least one civie into one also. Even if I could build a Shrike and squeeze in 4 more guys the difficulty would be extremely steep.

    Not sure, but I don't think every alien is supposed to attack at once are they? Anyone else run in to one of these missions?

  5. I like the way the Reapers are working now. I see them moving under cover to get close enough to attack. Sometimes my guys squeeze off shots and drop them, but sometimes they work their way close enough to get someone.

    My issue is now with the mutated humans. Those are really the bastards to kill. If you don't have enough guys lined up to shoot the Reaper after you shoot the outer layer off you're in trouble. I had 3 guys surrounding a mutated civilian - 2 of which had full TU and were within 1 to 4 squares away. Two of my guys had shields and laser pistols and fired 6 times between the 2 of them. Only 2 of those 6 shots hit the mark. Then the real reaper popped out. The sniper had full TU and was crouching 4 squares away. 2 snap shots and both missed! The reaper then turned both of my shield guys into mutants - ESC - Load Game - try again.

    I guess that issue really wasn't with the Reaper itself, but more with the fact that my guys missed so many damn close range shots. I thought the pistol guys would have enough chances to kill it, and the sniper could pull an aimed shot to finish it off.

  6. Maybe I just don't have enough guys because I don't have enough to build the Shrike yet, or perhaps my loadout (2 shields, sniper, rocketeer, 4 carbines) is poor, but I am getting my ass handed to me multiple times (6th loss in a row). I can barely make it out of the Chinook because every alien converges on my squad by the 3rd turn. Also, I've counted 14 Sebillians, 4 or 5 Reapers, a light drone, and 2 heavy drones. Anyway, seems like there are a lot of aliens, they're all close to my landing zone, and they all rush me.

    On a side note I really like how the Sebs mix it up with the grenade tosses, and the light drone suppression feels just right. They cause problems, but don't lock down my entire squad.

  7. ...it's just sometimes people roll a string of very high or very low numbers.

    Try playing a few games of Risk (the actual board game) and you'll see what rolling does to the outcome of battles. I don't know how many times I've cursed the dice for never going higher than a 3 while my opponent plows through my army with consecutive 5's and 6's. So while it may be frustrating, it's perfectly reasonable to see the enemy miss multiple times.

  8. Is the Reaper a two-legged equivalent of a UFO enemy unknown Chryssalid? If so, than that's exactly what happened to me. I see the enemy, it moves for one turn and then everything hangs. I suspect we're running into the same bug.

    -- redmage

    Yes. It happened again too. It's hanging when the reaper tries to transform a civilian soldier. Not sure if it does it with all transformations, but it's happened both times it tried on my game.

  9. This might be one of those small fibs that people might choke on. I think people could buy an equipment locker in the dropship, but I don't think they would buy having arms and ammo refreshed without good reason.

    Maybe. I would buy it though, and just assume that the big ass helicopter I was flying around in had somehwere to stash extra grenades and clips.

  10. I just hold out for marauders. At the most I've built one corsair because it was taking awhile to get the tech for the marauder, but yea, they're kind of pointless. Didn't the OG have a fighter/dropship combo?

    I unlocked the X-something once but never had enough resources to build it before the next experimental update came out. It looked like an SR-71. Seemed cool, but I think it used singularity cores for ammo, so it seemed like too much of a single purpose craft to be very useful.

  11. (I also question whether you really would enjoy aliens throwing grenades at you without you having any chance to deal with them. I think you'd find it much more unfair in practice than you believe.)

    I remember a few experimental builds ago when the sebillans were running up and throwing grenades at my guys. I actually thought it was very cool, and that you had implemented something new and exciting into their AI. If the enemy is beating me through superior tactics and strategy then I'm totally fine with it. If they're beating me because they get more TU's, do more damage than I could or any number of other artificially crafted advantages then the game isn't so fun.

    I would love it if I was approaching a ship door, had positioned my guys outside, then the door pops open and an alien throws a grenade out. As it is now I know once I clear the perimeter and wait 2 turns outside the door it's totally safe outside - that within will be 2 to 3 aliens crouched behind a prop waiting for me to rocket into goo. Then I can proceed to the bridge where the other aliens will be complacently waiting behind props to also get rocketed.

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