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Jasmine Moldovia

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Posts posted by Jasmine Moldovia

  1. I'm the kind of person who always likes to give snipers high ground, been playing for a bit, and I never seem to see a map based on the idea where a character could get to the high ground... sure they have levels of zoom for different floors, but I've never seen the engine take advantage and let me onto a roof.

    is the Map generator just messing with me, or does the game not have any maps with a height advantage, and if they do... does it mechanically mean anything?

  2. Don't worry Jasmine. We'll just go to the pound and get you another nation. There's plenty of nations out there in need of a good home.

    I can almost see that at Xenonaught's HQ "Sir, the Nigerians have withdrawn from the Project, something about a Prince running out of money because no one transferred it to a US bank account."

    Commander steps in, "That's ok, because one of our scout planes has picked up signs of Atlantis, turns out they weren't really killed, and if we can send them some Chinese takeout, they'll step into the gap..."

  3. Will it be possible to get the game *without* Steam?

    I picked up the Desura copy specifically to avoid Steam and because I hate Steam's "you only own the ability to download streamed files as long as the service hold" system ; I do like having the .exe on my computer and knowing that if my internet goes down or if Steam goes down all my purchases won't turn into thin air.

    Just want to make sure that the announcement does not mean that the Desura purchases is no longer valid and merely allow you to get a free Steam copy (which I do not want).

    Steam Has Promised, repeatedly, that if the servers do go dark, they will release a patch to all games, that will remove the drm lock.

  4. OK I read through up to page 8, but having actually broken down and bought the game, I feel I need to state something.

    Yes ground combat is the the Meat and Soul of the game, but am I the only Player on the planet who has gone through a marathon session, am Really hoping for that new tech upgrade to roll out and be to damned tired to deal with ground fight after ground fight? While waiting for the last few minutes of a production timer?

    I like the fact we can Airstrike and still get reasonable rewards, I haven't been because I didn't think we would!

    To many ground combats become tedious, not enough ufos make for a pathetic invasion. We really need both options to be a Viable strategy.

    And thinking on it, maybe I don't perfectly agree that the ground combat is the heart and soul of the game, the game should imho have two play styles, the Micro manger who is all about the ground combat, and the Xenonaught's base commander. Whose focused on building and managing the over all picture. I like both playstyles myself, there are times I want to focus on building bases and not be bothered with the minutia of telling my soldiers what direction their pants should be facing when worn... I mean these are trained combat professionals why should I be expected to hand hold them 24/7 when I've got Berlin calling on the red phone, China sending diplomats to my command center, the USA threatening to drop out entirely because the president's dog got hit by a stray plasma bolt. and the entire middle east wanting to declare Jihad on every nation with a ufo sighting?

    As the man/woman in charge of the world's ultimate defense. We need to make sure ground combat is rewarding enough to go through it, but Not so rewarding we feel we can Never take a Break and focus on other tasks the game puts before us. I think Chris understands that, I think at least after reading the first 8 pages of the thread that people are getting a little to worried about things.

    My ideas:

    1) Yes air combat should be important stopping a UFO from landing should be a primary goal... unless you need a PR boost and are willing to risk it. (See Terror missions. Letting them happen and fighting them while a bastard move psychologically is a damned good way to get a PR boost because John Q public will likely never know you knew and could of acted otherwise.)

    2) Ground combat should also be important, Field experience always trumps mock combat.

    3) But ground combat should not be SO much better than Air that you can't use auto resolve, (Face it what Airstrike is)

    4) Air combat should not be something you can't afford to Auto resolve.

    5) You should be fine auto resolving both, If only for a short term.

    6) this allows you to focus on building up and act as a Commander, rather than a Sargent.

    7) Do I have ANY idea how to balance this, Hell no, but I trust Chris, so long as he doesn't cave to peer pressure, which is what I'm afraid of.


    On a completely unrelated note, do Steam backers get a Forum badge or not, don't really care either way, just want to prove I own the game.

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