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Ram Jam

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Posts posted by Ram Jam

  1. Not a huge deal or even all that important, but I enjoy the little things. I would like (maybe only in the harder settings) for (human) basic guns and ammo to cost money. The whole infinite thing, is useful and I'm sure not even a few people want to pay attention to their ammo stores (especially with basic human guns) but I enjoyed that little detail from xcom.

  2. Hello everyone. I am a BIG X-COM fan. Loved the game, though never got into any of its squeals with the exception of X-COM enemy unknown. With the newest expansion of that coming out, I got revitalized in the series. Although I am very hyped about the expansion, I feel it may be straying too far away from the concept of what X-COM really should be.

    So I decided to give the original another boot up. I did, played it four several hours and enjoyed it. But every time I come back to it, I suffered from the old UI design and the limits of the game from its era. I spoke to a friend of mine about it, and we both agreed we want a very similar if not exact same game with just a modern tweak to it.

    By chance, I Google it and stumbled upon this site. Took me about 15 minutes of reading it, and watching the kickstarter video. I tried throwing my money at the screen but that didn't work. So I bought it through Amazon oddly enough. Now here I am. eager and wanting while my download... Well downloads.

    I hope this game is as awesome as it looks and is as faithful as the creators seem to be earnest.

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