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Everything posted by Mattster

  1. And as you say Dranak, this is a work in progress. . I am hopeful that these items will be addressed. As Tobbzn says, friendly fire will be reduced. So that way when a kneeling soldier to the right is shot by a standing soldier to the left and the alien whom is indestructible apparently, and in front of the standing soldier, won't get shot anymore. It would also be nice to rotate the screen. Sometimes aliens hang in the corner that's hard to see -- green stuff with the green alien.
  2. I'm saying that the soldiers aim seems to be remarkably off and friendly fire on "clear sunny scapes" seems to be no impediement to shooting your fellow man. So my bitching is that there is a lack of balance on the ground combat . . .the aliens are so far beyond what you have that it is almost impossible not to lose everything. I didn't say make happy upbeat music -- I said what is used is such a downer as to detract from the game. In Enemy unknown, I would not say the music is to the effectof hey I gotta hum that on the way yo the work, but it is more interesting. In the original XCOM the music at battlescape was a bit slow, but if I recall nto a slow as this -- the map screen was more "airy" as if to say in space.
  3. Well I was going to make my own list, but this beta has gotten or is gettng on my last nerve: Maybe this is a bug, but sometime the screen is too dark at random time when entering the battle-scape. Why do the aliens get 2-3 shots for my own idiotic target my own team (did I say idiotic) soldiers? It's incredibly unbalanced against the humans. I just lost 20 solidiers as this feature came into play. I am frustrated that I cannot seem to get my trrops out of their own way. Also for all the experience their stats have in the troop set up they seem like you took 20 idiots off the street and said, "shoot that way." I know it's beta, but unless there is some slight modification it's impossible to play. The music needs to be a little upbeat. This is the saddest draggiest music I have ever heard. I understand strings mean mysterious, and the homage to ufo defense, but geez. . .lighten it up! It IS a game. How come I cannot have my scout cars refill their ammo? How is it that the jackal armor is sometimes stronger than the scout car? Really? How about a destructible helicopter? Maybe the team needs to build armor out of the helicopter cause that seems to be impervious to everything. How about NPCs actually aiming? I could go on, but I am too annoyed. And I have played on each settlng . which by the way is hard to say as the check boxes all do not work.
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