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Everything posted by telas

  1. For making it possible for a young gamer to experience the awesomeness that is X-com. Well done
  2. That's true. My point was that making shields equipment that must be researched and produced could help balance them, and that such a change could be easily justified by this game's lore.
  3. What about having shields be not available in the early game? Since shields made with human technology are (as far as I know) not very effective even against human weapons, it stands to reason that a shield capable of stopping alien weaponry would require alien technology and materials to make. Then you could still have your shields, but you would have to spend resources and time making them, which would help offset their OP-ness.
  4. I don't think that having "camping" aliens scattered around the map necessarily is going against the principles of military strategy. Sure, throwing everything you have at the enemy all at once is one effective strategy, but lying in wait and ambushing the enemy is also an effective strategy. This idea could have the potential to be really fun if the "campers" were placed in effective locations, behind doors, in the aforementioned nooks and crannies of farmhouses, and would create those memorable moments of surprise that this game seems to be lacking at the moment.
  5. I've been experiencing a CTD multiple times right after I stun a Sebillian with stun grenades. The sebillian was inside a ship and was the second to last alien standing.
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