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Posts posted by dd.d

  1. I guess it's been said before, but terror missions are maybe a little unbalanced right now. Don't get me wrong, it's a good feeling to lose five troopers and get all the little posthumous medals once in a while. But not every 15 days when you've not even rebuilt your lost equipment. I think the main problem here is getting shot to pieces in Turn 1 because everyone and their Sebilian lizard queen can see you in your Charlie.

  2. What other people already said: Currently, the Foxtrot is a bit weak, needing two to ground one Scout in one go etc.

    By the time you face Corvettes, you should have had the opportuity to research Alenium explosives unless you've been unlucky with your UFOs.

    I guess that's what happened in my current V19/3 game. No Alenium or Plasma Rifles showed up for almost two months, so there I was, fighting against three Fighters and Scouts/Corvettes with Fighter escorts. And assaulting an alien base full of Androns with ballistics is no fun, either. In the end, I killed most enemies with C4.

    Based on said game, I think that Fighter squadrons show up a little too early which leads to even bigger problems once escalation points start to accumulate. But this could be bad luck with UFO recoveries, as said above, and the fact that I'm pretty bad at the mini-game.

  3. The rest of the stuff - the writers' understanding of how human tech worked at the time, how fighters work, how ground troops' equipment is explained - that's all real-world stuff that could do with at least some better explanation, even if there's no changing how it works in-game.

    I have to agree: suspending one's disbelief is much harder when it comes to real world stuff.

    So, why do we have so many women in the game? ;)

    Edit: This is not supposed to be a rant. Alien invaders don't hassle me, female soldiers do neither. And I thoroughly appreciate the lack of boob plate in this game.

  4. Guess I'm a little late to the party but for all it's worth, some my thoughts:

    • Scatter Laser: What about Impulslaser? Both German Battletech and 40k call their rapid-fire lasers like that. It's not really scientific but it's popular and somewhat tropey.
    • Harridan: I didn't even know that word before I looked it up so I wouldn't have known Harridaner either. Could be I'm just dumb. Maybe Harpyie will do the trick? It's roughly analogous to harridan in German and it's a vicious flying thingy anyway.

    Generally, I'd rather leave the vehicles' and aircrafts' names as they are, since they're named and fielded by a multi-national force. IMO, it'd be way more immersion breaking to go UFO-hunting with a Krummsäbel rather than a Scimitar. It just sounds so... forced. Couldn't hurt to have a German translation of the name in the Xenopedia text, though.

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