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Posts posted by Jsleezy

  1. You might want to wait for Jsleezy to confirm this. But, yes. You can use the mod with the current build. The only drawback is (and that is the part that needs confirming as I am unsure) that you will have a minor chance of getting a character with one of the old faces. But the chance of that happening is really low (and you can always kill him off :rolleyes:..oh sorry I ment make him scout for you ..open the doors...stuff like that ... I didn't mean to kill no xenonaut ).

    You cannot, however, copy the gameconfig.xml file as that will mess up your game. Instead go into your game config file, find the line:

    <femaleSoldierChance value="40" comment="The percent chance that a generated soldier is a female" />

    and change it to

    <femaleSoldierChance value="20" comment="The percent chance that a generated soldier is a female" />

    and BTW Thanks for the mod Jsleezy! Really Great Work.

    Correct in all accounts although you forgot the soldierNames XML files which get a little more complicated. I don't suggest editing that one unless you want to spend an hour or so editing lines of text.

  2. Hi Jsleezy I absolutely don't want to push you, but I love your mod and would like to use it in my first playthrough at release...is there any problem using it without the last 20?

    Release should be in two weeks if I'm not wrong, also they are doing this if you're interested: http://www.goldhawkinteractive.com/forums/showthread.php/9992-Calling-all-Modders-Producing-A-List-of-Active-Mods

    bye ;)

    Hi Nameless 1, the game might launch before I get this mod and the armor mod finished. I'm currently working on getting both finished, but I will probably finish the armor mod done first. There is no problem in using the mod without the XML files, however I do plan to update (and upload) the unfinished mod when the game comes out. I'll add my mod to the active mod list once I upload all my mods to the Nexus as the host site I was using went down over the weekend.

  3. any idea if this works for v21 stable? if not any idea when you might update it? the mod looks really good but I love v21 too much to go back to v20.

    Hi, the mod will still work, just don't install the XML files and just replace the portraits. I will probably not update the files until the game comes out since they seem to change with every build.

  4. Cspruce, I'm glad you're recovering and doing well, man. I remember when I first got started modding here you were of great help to me and probably a lot other around here. I'm sad to hear about what you're going trough, but believe me man somebody out there has a plan for you. I can't say I really know you, but I know you're a good man. Keep it up dude.

  5. Can i use the included XML files with the new V21 stable version, I've noticed a pretty big size difference and don't want to mess up my game

    The XML files won't work, but you can still replace the portraits. The XML files seem to change with every release which is why I'm waiting for the game to be released before I do all the final adjustments to this mod.

  6. By your class icon it seems like you're running an old build. In the vanilla game there were some portraits that were being skipped and it would show something like that. I can't be entirely sure what is causing it although its looking for an image that doesn't exist.

    I had a similar issue several builds back, but it was because certain pregenerated soldiers were not linked correctly. Perhaps it's something similar?

    Is there a way for you to find out what portrait number it is?

  7. Silencer, thanks for supporting this mod.

    The first issue is pretty easy to correct by adding gloves to the hands. I can send you the file you need and will make sure the edit gets made and uploaded once the game comes out. Message me your email and I'll send the file your way.

    For the second issue there is not much I can do. There are a few faces that will look a little off in certain armors and this is one of them.

  8. Looks good. I think I might give this a shot. However, I did like the original orange icons which I might keep.

    Is there anything that can be done about the bright red text that shows up when a soldier is injured? I always felt like it was way out of place. Maybe a yellow or a gray would look better.

  9. First off, I want to say that I really enjoy your upgrades to the stock vanilla skins. I hope that the devs decide to use yours instead of what they have.

    That being said, when I tried to download the basic and basic-female armour skins, it looks like it is downloading the jackal skin. Perhaps the source file is miscopied? Thank you for your time.

    Thanks! All credit goes to the original artists. He did a tremendous job. Also, to GoldHawk for giving us all the assets to be able to mod.

    The site where the files have been hosted has been really flaky lately. It doesn't help that all the files have the same name which might be giving the server problems. I've uploaded a new file called "Armor Compilation". It contains all the files I've done so far for this mod. Give it a shot.

  10. Jesus this seems really a great work. It seems you took good care to "blend" them as much as possible to the rest of the game's art. And I don't think it was an easy task, considering the realistic starting look. Definitely using this for my first game, tbh I'm a bit surprised the original game is offering so little.

    Thanks it took a lot of time and effort. As of right now there are 146 total portraits (I have to create like 6 more that just go added). To give you a scope of how long it took...there are 114 male portraits which took me between 30 minutes to 60 minutes each. There are 32 female portraits that took me between 1 hour to 1 1/2 hours each.

    If I was charging at a freelance rate I'd be a few thousand dollars richer, but I had a lot of fun doing them for free (for the most part) so I can't complain. I'm very proud of how they came out.

  11. Update:

    Jackal Armour and some of the rest should be working correctly now, I believe. I'm still not able to delete the old file but the new one should be working. :)

    (Edit: use my signature below for the link)





  12. This is looking fantastic!

    I have nothing to ad to the vest - it is simply perfect, if only the sprites could be accommodated to reflect its greatness :)

    The helm concept looks also good (its always a good day to die for these guys anyway ;)), but I noticed two things:

    1. The helm looks slightly too large for the face (just like with the original) but here it is a bit more apparent since it represents a more modern fit and design.

    2. The strap of the helm seems to be on his throat instead of his chin.


    It's actually the exact same size as the original jackal helmet and the strap falls in the same place. It had to be this way to accommodate the original faces since I have to make sure this works for people who don't want to install my Real Fighter Portraits Pack mod. The faces in my JRFPP mod vary in width and height from person to person (as in real life) so it'll look good on some and a little off on others.

  13. Thanks for the support and the feedback guys!

    Looks great! Downloaded a few of your armours but am getting "unavaliable" errors for basic, basic female and jackal. hopefully the site will be up and get fixed soon.

    Yes, it is currently unavailable. I've contacted the site admin and he's working on the getting the issues resolved. If that doesn't work I might put it up elsewhere.

    That is actually really, really good looking stuff. Nice work! The helmet and vest are so amazing and almost photorealistic, the blue suit stands out being a bit cartoony in comparison. Could you do something about it?

    Thanks Skitso. The art itself is taken from photographs or 3D images that I've edited/ painted over in photoshop. I've tried adding cloth textures to the clothing but I can never get it to look right and it clashes way too much with the rest of the artwork in the game. I might give it another shot however. Thanks for the feedback.

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