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Posts posted by 200down

  1. As long as it still takes a reasonable amount of time to improve your troop's skills/stats then I don't believe you'll ever have problems with people wanting to do nothing but assault/close quarters tactics. Nobody wants to loose those units if the aliens are still as lethal at close range as they are in xeno(maybe the armor should get destroyed when you units die so you can't just keep churning out rookies and re-equipping them with super-heavy armor once you have it researched). If anything I'd say the hard part is going to be to get people to actually want to use short range weapons at all if there's always a reasonable long ranged option available. Then again that can be handled with only the environments I guess.

  2. Actually, now that you guys mention it, I made a simple mod for my own play-through back in alpha days that only adjusted accuracy, damages, and optimal ranges of plasma and lasers. Even that small difference between weapons types seemed to improve the fun factor of unlocking more weapon types.

    All I did was:

    -Ballistics stayed the same

    -lasers increased accuracy and range but lowered damage down to ballistic damage levels

    (Ended up using them on poor shooters because of the innate accuracy bonus)

    -plasmas lowered accuracy and optimal ranges so they are the poorest in the game but increased damage potential substantially

    (They ended up being used on pretty much my best shooters as they where almost completely useless on anyone with less than 70 accuracy unless at point blank range)

    Anyways, it seems like everyone kinda wants the same thing in the end. Just more variation in the different weapon types? So yeah I can attest to the fact that even making those small changes, seemed to make the process of selecting load-outs for each mission much more enjoyable. Was still far from happy with it though. Loads of good ideas in this thread. Keep them coming guys! :P

  3. Yeah, he's talkin about "The Long War" mod I think. That's two extreme sides of the coin though. Firaxis's Xcom lacked weapon choice but instead went the skill upgrade rout. The mod added more content and in some cases that additional content felt like just more for the sake of "more stuff". Not really adding anything new or even needed in many cases(filler if you will). Granted, even filler makes people happy when the original felt so stripped down in comparison.


    Have you played the expansion "Enemy Within" by chance? It really fleshes out the game. I couldn't get into the original Firaxis Xcom but picked up Enemy Within on sale and ended up playing it for a good hundred hours then. Worth a shot if you already own the base game if you can find it on sale sometime. May at least get some fun out of it then :)

    There's room for both types of games imo. There's a fine line between game depth for the sake of strategic choice and overwhelming amounts of stats and spreadsheets of info for each item that in the end, would probably be simply ignored in favor of attention on the rest of the game itself. Or worse yet, just turn players away before they even try it because of learning curve. But hey, I love choices as long as they're actual choices worth making instead of filler :) Anyways, have to agree with Caine and Nino on this. As long as the core options are there then mods should easily be able to fill that particular niche for those that just want more.

  4. Soo confusing haha....

    Maybe an alternative to rpg leveling that's simply capped based upon the soldier's overall rank. Just had this idea while reading this post so be gentle :)

    Ok so don't have a heart attack but I think being able to select your troops role in the squad is important. But I also think that living with the consequences should also be a factor in that decision process. Sooooo;

    >>You can select your soldier's class but are stuck with that particular class from that point forward for that particular unit.

    By having set classes with specific bonuses to training speeds based on their specialty, units would fill particular rolls and loosing them not only hurts a bit more BUT balancing weapons, armor, skills, stats, becomes a much more straightforward and less convoluted process. As you can imagine, with set classes the "Rambo" effect would be non-existent sense each class would be limited as far as stat development hard caps.


    Stat points are accumulated into a pool for each unit during missions/combat which could then be spent upon ranking/leveling up. The limitations to stats that could be improved are limited by the chosen unit class. So a heavy weapons unit likely won't be able to dump all points into TU's like say scout classes maybe could.

    >>If you've chosen no class for a troop then they'd be wide open for any stat distribution BUT the point gains would be cut in half because of not having a specialization chosen. If you wanted a Rambo unit you still could have it but it would take an awful lot of time and work to achieve. Good luck keeping him alive that long but hey, more power to you if you manage it then it would sure feel good?!

    >>Unlike Firaxis's Xcom, weapons and armor don't need to be limited to each class. Players wouldn't need to be limited in this regard. If they made poor choices or ended up with too many of one type of class because of unfortunate deaths...., they'd still be able to equip any class with any gear to pinch hit.

    Ok so maybe all this rambling didn't make that much sense but I guess what I'm getting at is there's I think some room to play around with leveling mechanics. I really enjoy xeno's open ended leveling system and also really enjoyed the limitations of XCOM 2012's class sytem too. I'm sure there's a sweet spot there somewhere.

  5. Support the leaning mechanic regardless of how its implemented. Don't think people using it too much would really be an issue would it? Same principle as using a prone or the crouch mechanic really, everyone would use it as much as possible when enemies where in range. It would just be a base game mechanic that should be abused at every opportunity shouldn't it? Cover is cover, maybe there wouldn't have to be quite soo much cover in the next game so you'd need to use those walls more just to have a chance. Besides, when choosing to lean out to fire, there would be a chance the alien that already was aware you where there could be waiting for it and shoot you in the pie hole. That's always fun hehe.

    As for the blind firing around corners without aiming, eh, how much is that really going to add to the fun of the game or overall strategy? Probably not much besides promoting a much more campy style of play which doesn't sound all that entertaining. I guess if you want to expend your entire clip to provide some covering fire with only a very small chance of hitting anything (unless the alien is nearly standing on top of you) then it may be ok but again...... time may be better spent on other areas of the game. Just my ten cents though.

    Heck as long as the mechanics are easy and natural to use over and over and over then I'm a happy camper. Currently the cover and leaning system just aren't visually represented very well which can get frustrating for sure. May have something to do with me just getting older and my eyes aren't as good as they once where so almost everything in xeno is somewhat hard for me to see haha.

  6. Few thoughts,

    So the idea is getting rid of the linear tech progression as far as weapons go? Um yeah...... I was thinking about this throughout my entire last play-through and honestly I couldn't, for the life of me, come up with anything interesting so instead of trying to recreate the wheel with some creative breakthrough...hehe.... I just started thinking about what's FUN.

    Research aside..... what's an enjoyable way to acquire or obtain new toys to use? Funny thing is, I think I really do enjoy having to work for progress much more than just letting researchers do their thing while you mindlessly do mission after mission until research magically finishes and now we have a new toy. Think about it..., is research fun? I guess the decisions you make of just what to research next can be fun but the actual process itself is just a means to an end.

    To that end...., here's a few ideas to kick around;

    1: Assaults made on alien mini-bases or maybe even RND centers that you could find by satellite or scouting or even underground bases you might run across while on the tactical map that could be raided for a blueprint/plans for new alien tech. Maybe you'd need to bring along a NON-combatant scientist in your squad just to make sense of whats what and they could then "spot" the useful documents for the shiny new toys :cool: Also, if that's too lore unfriendly then maybe alien research ships could be raided even while in flight somehow.

    ((You could honestly really go wild with this one. Maybe even find secret plans for future tech some NON-alien country was working on that was long forgotten etc....))

    2: Upgrading old weapons with new gadgets. Now that's always good fun as long as the gadgets can be seen, heard, and/or felt on the battleground in a tangible way. Adding that simple laser-site, see your weapon change to reflect this in the overview, and see the laser and accuracy improvement first hand in combat(simple but always fun no?) Maybe the first steps shouldn't so much be entirely new weapons but simply upgrades to our own weapons. Again, don't really know, just throwing ideas out there.

    3: There's something BIG that's missing from the old X-Coms and I think it needs attention now that we're on the subject of weapons and such. We no longer have to PURCHASE weapons, grenades, explosives, ammo, etc.... This imo, is a HUGE issue. Being forced to purchase everything(especially consumables) REALLY made you think about spamming that LMG all day long or those ROCKETS!!!!

    When each one costs you $$$$$ you think long and hard about when and where to use that one shot or when to fire that LMG on full auto or burst. If you wondered why some of those weapons are such a pain to balance well maybe that's your answer.... you can afford to have overpowered items if ammunition for those said items are in limited supply. A side affect is that those laser weapons really feel like a major accomplishment when you no longer had to buy ammunition for them.

    Anyways, bit of the rails there I know but I think it's important to bring up because it really made a big difference in the old x-com EU

    4: Plasma weapons....., this is where I'm starting to think that the linear weapon progression itself isn't so much the major problem but instead only how it's implemented is the issue and zzzzzzzzzzzz. It's simply boring to keep researching and acquiring everything in the exact same manner through research.

    What if plasma weapons weren't so much a replacement for lasers but instead a luxury or reward for loading up your inventory with cells from killed aliens during missions. A reward for killing quickly or even stealthy kills so the aliens use up the least amount of that precious plasma ammo firing back? What if we couldn't produce plasma ammo ourselves but instead relied on what we found in the field? My thoughts are... lasers could still be a mainstay weapon but plasmas could be used to help with really tough missions, base raids, or even specific tough to kill aliens, if you've planned accordingly until superior weapons came along.... strategy........yummy........

    Love to hear other peeps thoughts and ideas. That's all I got for now though. Maybe I'll think of something else on another playthrough :)

  7. True. Just feels odd that a rifle starts it's drop around the length of a building though. Not complaining. Just saying. It's tolerable in a game. Anyways, read the bottom half of the post. What do you think of the random icons in fog of war idea? Or post an idea of your own. Much more likely to see some changes if you post some suggestions for solutions to your request instead of leaving them to their own devices. And more likely to get something you may actually like. Follow? I'm honestly ok with the way things are if they added more cover. Was just trying to figure something out that the masses may like too. You know, something that could easily be done without taking up too much of their time.

  8. What I want is to make it impossible to one shot someone from across map just some guy two miles away has spotted a target for you. That goes for both sides, alien and human. If that couldn't happen or would take a miracle shot, you can actually try to outflank the enemy just by staying out of range. Right now there is no "out of range".

    Been racking my brain about a solution for this for awhile. Trying to figure out what would fix it without feeling too unrealistic. Maybe that's why I can't think of anything that would work and feel well. Trying to keep some realism in projectile physics in a video game is just lolz. Maps are just too small to support any realism with drop-off rates. Almost all of those weapons in a realistic world setting WOULD be able to shoot across these little maps and be fairly accurately with little to no drop-off. And soldiers LOS would be be even further than the entire map.

    So screw realism. This is the only thing I could come up with but I can see how it could still be somewhat abused. Although it would still be much better than what it currently is:

    Not allowing full vision of forward troop-sited enemies from rear troops by using fog of war and some kind of "cloned" enemy image when the rear troop is your active one.

    For instance, a forward troop has an enemy sited but when you select your rear sniper it applies fog of war again for the sniper's normal vision and range, BUT 3+(dependent on range to sniper) enemy icons show in the general area in the fog of war representing imperfect accuracy(or guessing) vs enemies he can't actually see. You could target and shoot at any one of these icons as if they where all enemies and If you get lucky, you could still hit and kill it. But it would add somewhat of a guessing game and the decision of weather or not to waste ammo at all comes into play.

    I for one, have no problem with the enemy using the current squad site. Vs a human they need any help they can get. The problem is, they will sometimes shoot at our troops even without having ANY visuals at all on us. At times, they seem to just randomly shoot at anyone on the map which just feels cheep(especially true in enemy bases). This would be fine IF they weren't so accurate with their shots so it felt like a guess rather than AI cheese. Maybe this is supposed feel like they have cameras up in their bases all over the place? Even so, it's not cool ;)

  9. Yes, I think you've got it now. What I want is to make it impossible to one shot someone from across map just some guy two miles away has spotted a target for you. That goes for both sides, alien and human. If that couldn't happen or would take a miracle shot, you can actually try to outflank the enemy just by staying out of range. Right now there is no "out of range". Of course, this all assumes the Wiki formula is the current formula. If they've changed it I could be all wet.

    I'm playing right now like you hit and get hit from any distance, therefore my moves take a long time and I don't bother to out flank and I never move in the open unless I know there are no aliens around. If I knew their weapons had a range limit I'd be moving guys around the side MUCH faster while staying out of range. With the current long range abilities there is also little reason to move your snipers up after initial deployment unless the LOF is blocked. So, I'm maximizing squad sight with them because I can.

    Agree with you. Some maps really are just a snipe fest(not enough cover to flank like you said). I never thought about the range being the problem until you mentioned it. Honestly, I started using the hunter for cover moving forward but that only works for a few turns if your lucky. I've officially given up on this last build though. Don't think I even got to lasers before it got crash happy so I wouldn't know ether if they changed it. Hard to tell how bad it is on the first weapons because their damage is already quite low. Here's to hoping the next build is a stable one.

  10. I have a good understanding of the structure and function of the xml files.

    My previous post was asking about the relationship between the pistol and precision rifle in your version of the balance (200down).

    You suggested that setting the precision rifle to use about double the AP of the pistol for the same accuracy shot made the pistol more likely to be used up close which doesn't appear to be the case from those numbers.

    Maybe if you have already moved or are short enough on AP to be unable to get a basic precision rifle shot off.

    You answered that in the first two lines of your post :P

    I disagree that two shots for minimal damage would persuade me to switch out my precision rifle unless I had no other choice at all.

    A single change at doing decent damage and possibly getting a kill would make me lean more towards sticking with the precision rifle.

    The pistol would need to provide me with a realistic chance of a kill to get me to use it which in general is not the case.

    For example a single precision rifle hit on an enemy with 10 kinetic resist would do 30 damage, the two pistol shots for the same AP would do 10 damage each.

    Ignoring the 20% random deviation and range modifiers for the examples.

    Like I said, my game is modified in so many areas....

    Not even sure what the accuracy penalty for moving and shooting in the same turn with heavies is. It must be awfully large though.

    Entirely possible that we play snipers differently to. I move often with mine so I'm always cover to cover with just enough AP's to fire 1-2 pistol rounds and no snipe rounds. Maybe 1-2 low damage shots isn't worth the time to some. Is for me though, sense it's saved my troops more times than I can remember. Aliens have a much larger advantage than normal in my config file so I need every bit of help I can get :P.

  11. That's all very well and fine. We understand how it works, but problem is that it is a mostly linear formula AND the slope decreases with range. That means for most weapons it never reaches zero accuracy for anyone at any distance. For longer range weapons there is decent chance to hit anyone anywhere on the battlefield. You don't see a problem with that AND squad sight together???

    Ah, I see what you're saying now. Sounds like we just need better AI opponents honestly. Instead of aliens that hide miles away like little girls. See that's what happens when people whine about blind firing aliens... they don't do shit now when they could be squad siting just like our troops instead of sitting there like dip shits. You're saying you want a more extreme penalties for shooting outside the weapons range right? I could get on board with that sense the aliens AI is such a puss at the moment. Should be an awfully simple change for them I would think.

  12. If the precision rifle has a good accuracy at long range using a high AP shot wouldn't it also potentially have a good hit chance at short range using a lower AP shot?

    That would suggest that you could still use it effectively in close, even with increased AP costs.

    Using your numbers it would be two (60 accuracy) pistol shots for around the same AP as a single (60 accuracy) precision rifle shot.

    Seems to lean in favour of the precision rifle still unless you move in that turn.

    A single hit from a precision rifle is likely to be at least as good as two pistol shots, assuming the armour mitigation is set properly again anyway.

    Sorry I'm not the best at explaining things. What I meant with pistols still being a viable backup weapon for heavies is simply TU costs. The larger weapons take so many TUs to fire that they leave you almost completely vulnerable if you move at all because you can't move and fire effectively. This is where the pistols come in. If that makes sense at all. Not very good at explaining myself. But it feels pretty good if you try it out. Granted I'm using those numbers on a highly modified game where everything is rebalanced according to weight, projectile speed(lead times), and general weapon types.

    General idea behind what I did with my weapon stats:

    Weight controls aiming times, burst fire accuracy, and reloading time(to some extent).

    Projectile speed controls, general accuracy(relates to how hard it is to lead targets), and mitigation values.

    Weight and Projectile speeds I figured had less to do with weapon types and more to do with the effects on our troops using them. Which seems to work well for a benchmark to work off of that helps keep some balance between the weapon types.

    Unfortunately, you can probably guess that trying to completely balance weapons with some "formula" doesn't always work. You'll still need to fine tune weapons with some trial and error in the field.

    In all honesty though, weapon balance really doesn't make much difference because they made the game so easy to mod. I'm just hoping they release a fairly stable game so modders have a good platform to work from. A few months after release, I'm sure there will be plenty of "re-balance" mods for everyone's tastes.

    As far as the accuracy formula goes, I think it's fine where it is. They just need to explain, in depth, how it works. The more complicated it gets, the harder it will be for people to mod or even understand. I'll try to explain it real quickly but it may just makes things worse lol.

    OK this is all based on a perfect 100 accuracy soldier, on open ground, with perfect unhindered vision(nothing altering vision like smoke or objects).

    In your weapons_gc.xml you'll see a "props range" which would be better described as "Optimal Range".

    Props range refers to the range at which a particular weapon's accuracy and damage will start to decline when fired beyond(this has no correlation with your soldier's stats).

    Still with me? Hope so.

    Let's use the basic pistol for reference. I can't remember what the default pistol values are so I'll just post my current ones.

    <Weapon name="weapon.pistol" bulletType="normal" emptySound="Empty Click 1">

    <props range="16" hands="1" recoil="0" weight="2" isHeavy="0" clipSize="12" reloadAPCost="20" reloadSound="Weapon Pistol Reload" reactionModifier="1.75" hpLimit="60" />

    <SingleShot sound="Weapon Pistol Single" delay="0.6" suppressionValue="9" suppressionRadius="1">

    <Set1 ap="11" accuracy="40" />

    <Set2 ap="21" accuracy="60" />

    <Set3 ap="31" accuracy="80" />


    <GUIImage name="gui/weapons/pistol" />

    <GroundImage name="grounditemimages/pistol.png"/>


    <Ammo name="ammo.ballistic.pistol" type="kinetic" damage="15" mitigation="5">

    <Projectile spectre="projectiles/bullet/bullet" speed="800"/>

    Now lets go through a few of those values and how they effect accuracy and work in combat:

    props range="16" (The optimal range at which the weapon can fire without loosing accuracy or damage. Read below for more on how this relates to actual accuracy values.)

    <Set1 ap="11" accuracy="40" /> (This value relates to the first "step" of aiming time if you fire the weapon with the lowest amount of TUs used. 11 TUs in this case, plus any additional movement time added on. In relation to "props range", you will have a 40% chance to hit an unobstructed target at 16 tiles(the weapon's props range or "Optimal Range") with a soldier possessing a perfect 100 accuracy stat. If your troop is firing beyond 16 tiles in range, the accuracy will decline in amounts relative to the actual distance past 16 tiles the target is. Beyond your soldier's control)

    <Set2 ap="21" accuracy="60" /> (The second step in accuracy which takes a few more TUs)

    <Set3 ap="31" accuracy="80" /> (The final step which uses the most TUs to fire but has the best chance to hit. Note; the default game doesn't have a third aiming value for pistols so you likely won't see this in your xml unless you've added it.)

    damage="15" (The damage value shows the "raw" damage of the weapon(before any armor or mitigation) that will be done to the target as long as your troop is not beyond the props range value. In this case 16 tiles. If your troop is firing beyond 16 tiles in range, the damage value is then lower the farther out the target is.)

    Anyways, hopefully this is a bit easier to understand... wordy as hell I know. There are more variables at work here like crouch vs prone but this should be enough to start modding weapons to your liking. Also, the reason you never see the accuracy values in the xml in actual combat is simply that they are all based on a 100% accuracy soldier. So you will usually see around 50-60 percent of these values with your starting troops. Needless to say, your soldiers can become quite god-like IF they survive enough battles.

  13. Ahh, maybe that's the problem. Can't remember if I was only one tile behind or maybe 2-3. It always showed 100% to hit the guy in front. Although I've modded the accuracy on weapons so much that maybe that screwed with it somehow. Thanks guys. I'll pay more attention next time when the new version gets released. Hopefully a more "stable version". Given up tell then. The terrain levels I was talking about was just when exiting the drop ship(ramp). Although, there are so many graphical oddities that it almost seems there are different "levels", especially on the farm maps with all the screwy hedgerows.

  14. Post your funny xenonaut moments here so we can all get a good laugh :)

    Here's one of mine from a few weeks ago.

    AI turn:

    Farmer runs behind one of my 3 remaining solders.

    Farmer shoots at alien in fog of war.

    Soldier Hit

    1 soldier kia

    Player turn:

    Soldiers move behind a tractor far away from insane farmer.

    Soldier fires multiple shots at alien, which is now in sight, with a pistol.




    AI turn:

    Alien moves to tractor adjacent soldiers and fires a plasma pistol burst at farmer.


    Farmer runs behind 1 of two remain solders and hides in fear for his life.

    Player turn:

    Soldier fires Rocket at Alien.

    Tractor Hit

    2 soldiers kia, Insane farmer kia.

    Alien wins

  15. Really isn't as bad as you guys may think.

    Strength = Increases when you are incumbered and you take any action(movement while carrying extreme weight increases your strength. Sensible right?)

    Accuracy = Increases when you fire your weapons(Although it should be when you actually hit something)

    Reflexes = Increases when your soldier gets a reaction shot(Based entirely on your soldier's starting reflex percentage and the weapon he/she is using).

    AP = Increases with anything you do but at quite a low rate.

    Bravery = Increases each time your soldier panics(Backwards if you think about it)

    Resilience = This I'm not completely sure on. One of two things raise this. It ether increases slowly as your soldier takes damage or it is simply increased when your soldier ranks up.

    A few of them are a bit odd like bravery but none are really game-breaking considering you can change the rates in the config to your liking.

  16. Very odd, because I've yet to be able to shoot(while standing) over a crouching troop. No joke. Unless you guys are talking about the troop standing is actually on higher ground or something? We must be talking about two different games or I'm in the twilight zone lol.

  17. Simple fix to keep the balance is to work with the props range and AP's usage. It really isn't so bad the way they have it. What I did with mine was simply increasing AP costs on weapons like the Sniper, Rocket Launcher, and MG's. If it takes nearly an entire turn to fire at max accuracy with a sniper, very seldom will you use it in close range engagements. As long as the sniper doesn't kill in one turn, this works well.

    I actually raised my AP costs to the point where rookie soldiers may not even be able to use the last "focused" shot and will need to increase their AP count first. There is a fine line between balance and just plain annoying though. We don't want it to feel like the player's options are too limited. Obviously when your soldiers grow to the point where they have 70+ in AP you don't want them to still feel like a rookie. So just be careful how much you raise or lower things.

    For example, this is what my numbers look like for the ballistic sniper(although this is on a heavily modified version of the game).

    props range="33"

    <Set1 ap="36" accuracy="60" />

    <Set2 ap="46" accuracy="80" />

    <Set3 ap="56" accuracy="100" />

    Granted, I'm still fiddling around with the balance in mine so I may even make it more expensive to fire heavies eventually.

    Although you don't have much for a low AP cost shot, it does feel bad ass like a sniper should at range. And with these high costs, it gives a real incentive to take a pistol along for the random close encounters. The best part though, is that(along with the heavy weapon strength movement penalty) it keeps people from bringing NOTHING but snipers or MGs only. Well, at least until their soldiers are all godly vets.

  18. You do know that if you right click you can increase the amount of AP you use in a healing action and the amount of HP you heal? (Which is why you are seeing odd results when you alter it).

    Gotta be flipping kidding me! Bahahahahaha. Didn't even think about trying that. Thanks so much Caine!

    This thread can be deleted now haha :)

    Note: Are you sure about this though? I don't seem to recall any stages beyond just one in the xml. I'll give it a try though. Hope you are right :) Although, I'm pretty sure the "odd AP results" you're referring to is just movement additions, arm lift AP(don't think this is even used), rotation AP, and stand/kneel AP. They all add additional time to the overall AP used for healing.

  19. There *is* 'cover shooting' in the game. You just have to do it manually (and given the TU system, that's exactly as it should be). The Firaxis game needed their mechanic for full-cover because of their move-action system; Xenonauts doesn't need it because action is more gradiated.

    True, there is cover shooting but it's fairly broken and inconsistent. Can't shoot over kneeling troops in front of standing troops (but it does safely work for reaction firing. reasoning?). The percentage to "HIT" your own cover and therefore destroy it is just laughable and not needed. Although it's like this for aliens to, it just isn't needed. Aliens have a hard enough time the way it is, the IA scripting doesn't seem to have aliens stand and fire behind cover at all. So they just destroy their own cover constantly. Not to mention, they are always shooting each other in the back which is another topic entirely lol. Think about it though, these are aliens vs soldiers, not kids playing cowboys and Indians. Just how bad of a shot are these so called leet soldiers and aliens that they can't shoot over their own cover?

    And to be fair, this game, at it's worst, in unfinished state, is better than Firaxis's so-called remake as far as strategy games go. Hardly even a shadow of the original X-COM's. It shouldn't even have the same name. A watered down, incredibly linier, trivialized mess. The only difficulty relied on overly accurate and overpowered aliens with random one shotting of your squad members. More like a board game just rolling the dice than a strategy game.

  20. Just a simple adjustment I'm sure.

    Please oh please oh please increase the damage healed per activation. I'd just mod it in myself but I honestly gave up trying to figure out how it's working in the script. Always getting odd results.

    It gets extremely old clicking medkit, then soldier which needs healing, then waiting for animations to finish, and again and again and again. Takes literally 20 mouse clicks just to heal one heavily wounded soldier atm.

    By no means am I saying I want them cheaper to use, only faster.

    Pretty please with sexy on top

  21. also drop more flares in the area your troops are in.

    I think it might be related to the walls not being "seen" on the map and thus the game might not be detecting the wall


    After much testing it seems as though when you end your turn without a wall inside your soldier's view, aliens will treat it as open terrain inside bases. Very odd but a simple workaround is to make sure you have a soldier "facing" the walls you feel the alien fire will come from at turn's end. Sweeping your soldiers around the outside base walls and clearing rooms from the outside-in also helps because you shouldn't need to cover as many walls.

    If you have a solitary soldier surrounded by aliens outside his current room location it can be a game breaker to say the least because you can't have all 4 walls inside your one soldier's view. You'll likely get shot in the back.

    Very very odd to say the least lolz

    It's very hard to narrow down just what is going wrong in alien bases because they seem to use the old blind fire trick too. It may just seem that way though and it's all one of the same.

  22. Gotta say it's probably the best idea I've heard that will not only "help" satisfy both player types but should be a much less time consuming solution for the devs than having the hardcore and casual air battles selectable during game start. Whether you guys like the idea or not, I wouldn't be surprised if they run with it because of time constraints.

    Funny how they try to introduce an improved, tactical style of air combat and it only serves to come back and haunt them. I actually feel for the devs somewhat so I'm gonna give this one two thumbs up. Nice idea Gismo. It's nice to see people thinking of solutions from both sides of the table instead of just one.

  23. Like the title implies, Here's a very easy fix that will take you all but 5 minutes to help balance out the troop carried Rocket Launcher.

    Simply make rockets weigh 5.

    Now you COULD by all means just load up all your troops with an extra rocket and drop them in the field for your launcher guy to use but that takes time and patience. And besides, patience and intuition should be rewarded in the field yes?

    I did this small change to my game a few patches ago and it feels about right. You'll have to make your shots count. Your rookie soldiers may even have to do some runs carrying too much weight to build up some strength before even bothering with the launcher.

    Although, you may want to increase effective range on it because armor is no longer an option. Well, at least until your soldiers are quite strong.

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