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10 Good
  1. obviously. I have had many crashes and balance issues, but things that completely brickwall your game should be first prioty imo. the AI for wraiths in base defense doesn't try and flank you or do anything offensive or smart. it only teleports every turn to a room you are not in, constantly running away. i've beaten it by chance before after many grinding hours, but if you are down on men it is quite simply an impossible never ending ground battle.
  2. fighting these in base defense is so stupid, pointless and anoying, literally took me HOURS to clear last wraith before to the point where I WANTED to wipe. And now im doing this on a new game... pffft uninstall worthy.
  3. I was hoping this build would fix the air combat balance but seems to have only made it worse. ONLY fighters and new "bombers" seen in the entire month 2. not a single ground mission was had, nothing to research. 20 soldiers sitting on there hands. not at all liking where this is going... edit: altho thats only month 2, in nov now, seeming more possible.
  4. seems like an engine limitation to me, why does the camera did to be taken out of control by the user for the enemies turn? you also lose control, or at least it moves, for certain things during your turn and its annoying and disorientating. if its purely for nostalgia then it should be optional.
  5. Getting very fustrated with sinking hours into a campaign, getting through multiple ground ops by the skin of my teeth only to be faced with such a air difficulty jump, my only option is to start all over. Im still learning things (just found out there are flares whoop), but seriously was only 3rd month (november) and had NO small ships, only x3 heavy fighters, and large ships. my x3 condor with laser and alenium got raped. I guess I should get x3 foxtrot for the big ships, but with fighter squadrons and escorts in november wtf can you do but stay in your base. I play veteran and even my first go at this game when I had no clue how to do basics, ground combat was pretty doable. but if air combat is too hard it makes the entire game unplayble. scout ships need to be constant for first few months, not just the harder shit.
  6. Very glad to hear this is unintentional. I don't see why there is was even a hidden movement pop up initially. can't see just continue to view the area our soldiers can see? its anoying and unnessary. besides we cannot tell which direction sounds are coming from (currently)
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