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10 Good
  1. I'm with 4 bases and 16 airsphips right now in this build. The air superiority struggle is maddening fun. Too bad that sometimes you gotta do a ground combat.... If this game gets the ground combat quality of Silent Storm, well, GG
  2. I think its working as intended as is. As I saw, the scout dodging was perfect clear, just like the human fighters. About the ranges, I guess u're suposed to get weird results when messing with it.
  3. Well, the aliens also always miss their 1st missile on our fighters since we also can roll. If think it's fair.
  4. The Xenopedia entries itself already explains that the UFOs aren't adapted to manouver well inside our atmosphere and that they would be no match for the condors. So there you go.
  5. Yeah, but the torpedoes range are much higher and travels way faster than before, which makes it safer for the foxtrots. But the fighters cannons got the ammo reduced to 50 from 250, but I can´t tell yet if the damage got adjusted.
  6. Jesus, is the escalation much quicker? Found an alien base already, and i'm still doing crashsite-10. Didn't even get lasers yet. Also, torpedoes are much more reliable. Now the MIGs can down fighters without taking damage.
  7. I like the air combat better now, its harder but you actually have to control the airships from the very 1st fight. I don´t know about the 1st base buildings removal, gotta play more to check the effect on the 2nd base contruction delay. It´s like you start with about 300k less cash...
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