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Everything posted by Sirandar

  1. Free aim !!!!! That is great! Question: is this game supposed to have an installer. I copied the Xeno directory to my hard drive and clicked on what I thought was the installer but the game started so I played it ........
  2. Where I came from: played a lot of X-com Good Points: Atmosphere, art design Needs Work: 1) Changing the weapon loadout crashed program 1b) No vehicles at the beginning of the game? Is Xeno so poorly funded it can't afford a single tank. 1c) I had 2 identical soldiers in my soldier list 1d) Sent planes and landing craft after a flying alien ship. No clue how the sky battle went, program just skipped to the ground battle mode 2) Battle rolllout took 15 minutes on a fast computer with a SSD. Never actually came up until I started the task manager, then when I switched back one soldier exited the craft and another shot another soldier all by itself 3) Battle layout look very X-com (good) but the maps are small and bordered by black space which is very immersion breaking 3b) grenades simply do not work. Soldiers who don't have them can throw them. Soldiers that do can throw them but nothing happens. Maybe I am supposed to use some TUs to pull the pin but I didn't see any way to do that. 4) Killed an alien or 2 but then reached a place designed to give advantage to aliens. 2 soldiers died from enemies just at the edge of FOW range (OK thats fine) 5) No way to target walls and cover and destroy them with weapons that I can find = without this feature I simply won't play the game. No free aim = no play. 5b) Hay bales all over the place.... soldiers can't pick them up and move them. 6) Alien destroys cover ..... soldier still wont walk through the flattened cover 7) Sectoid Alien plays hide and seek right at the edge visibility. Annoying and unfun with such short time units and incredibly low accuracy stats. A sniper gets 10% accuracy from 8 meters away? (based on soldier size) Send in two shogun wielding soldiers to shoot point blank after sacrificing another soldier. One shotgun blast straight to the face point blank ... the sectoid doesn't die. The second shotgun blast to the face, the sectoid doesn't die. Both shots hit as both soldier were standing right next square. I laugh and the aliens take their turn. Alien hits but doesn't kill. A third shotgun blast and the sectoid goes down. If it takes 3 point blank shotgun blasts to kill a weakly armored alien like a sectoid your balance is way out of touch with reality or you are artificially increasing difficulty. 8) Kill the last alien and the game crashes probably because it trying to phone home and it is blocked by my firewall. Uninstalled ..... needs too much work I hope you can fix all the bugs .... It is interesting that nobody seems to be able the make a game even half as good as the original X-com. I hope the devs of this game can eventually. The new Xcom simply was of no interest to me. No base attacks, no free aim ... all obstacles have the same destructibility. Aliens wait around and get a free move.
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