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Everything posted by Weezow

  1. Ohhh, ahhaah . The Debug thing works wonders... I can just make every soldier invencible, or end every fight in 1 turn.
  2. For f**k sake, forget it. I don't want to make the game EVEN more unbanlanced. I just want to give myself a CHANCE to catch up by having more time to make some research and produce some more guns and stuff.
  3. Well sir, I deeply appreciate your help. You went right to the matter, and I value that. Thank you.
  4. Look, I won't discuss the "why's" of stuff with you. If you don't have what I requested, then just walk away. Pointless to discuss this matter any further. The game in unbalanced, we ALL know that. That's why I was asking if there was any kind of mod to make you win the battle, because the game is... unbalanced. Good enough explanation for ya?
  5. That's developers job. Someone else (that knows how to code) could make that feature... but whatever.
  6. That may be it... but is it that HARD to code a quick thing to make a button press win you the game? D:
  7. This is insane, I ALWAYS miss at point-blank range, except when I use a gun with burst fire, at least 1 shot hits. And by Point-Blank range, I mean RIGHT NEXT TO THE ENEMY. How is this possible? What about the "Cheat" or Mod that allow you to instantly win the battle... any luck on that? Thank you.
  8. Okay, this is just f**ing insane. HOW CAN I MISS POINT BLANK RANGE?! EVERY SINGLE TIME!! Anyone care to explain this to me? e_e
  9. I don't know why (probably because I suck), but at some point in the game (when the carriers start invading my bases) I just lose. I can't fight back, I'm too clumsy, the pressure makes me shout... I don't know, so here's what I'm requesting: Some kind of mod or cheat that makes me win the battle. Anyone made anything like this yet?
  10. Ok, now that's something I didn't know: You can actually order them? How come I didn't notice that...? Well there is my solution... i'm such an idiot. Thanks for the help anyways... If you still want the save file I'm ok with that...
  11. Any way to solve this problem? And by the way, why was training taken out? The function is still there, you can click and they will be training for 10 days.
  12. Yes, I have transfered it... is that what's causing the problem? I hacked the money via cheat engine, I always test games in alpha like this. The problem is, this game has such game-breaking bugs/crashes that I can never finish it. EDIT: Couldn't be me using Cheat Engine, I had used it in previous gameplays of this game, and never gave me issues.
  13. Just wanted to report, maybe someone has already noticed this bug. I'm sorry if I did something wrong here, it's my FIRST post, I just created the forum account so I could try to find a fix for this bug. Here's the problem: I can only assign 3 soldier's to the helicopter (Charlie). This makes winning a ground combat nearly impossible. or I can assign 1 soldier and 1 hunter. Here's the other problem: No display for the training button. The function is still there, I only know that there used to be a training button there because I played previous versions. Picture down there: EDIT: Sorry, picture stinks... here's the direct link: http://i.imgur.com/CGPOWMU.png EDIT: Here's the requested screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/KLvJvhN.jpg
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