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Posts posted by thixotrop

  1. Scientists will use the SI system because it is the international standard.

    However, as national differences exist other systems will remain.

    For engineers, being one myself with contacts with european, american and (other) international customers, it is usually necessary to convert to the appropriate system. May it be for reports, for understanding (because everybody thinks in the system they are grown up with) or for data exchange. Sure it is tedious sometimes, but also for those of the "other unit systems".

    If I could wish, the "metrics" as it was discussed here, should be the only system.

    Nevertheless some data will always be in "imperial" due to history. As an example all piping for water, gas, sewage, oil and whatelse is measured in inches (1/2"; 3/4"; 5/16" and so on).

    And this I think is also the cause for measuring the altitude of jets in feet and supersonic speed in mach. The speed of ships is in knots and blood pressure in mmHg (millimeter mercury).

    Yes I know some of these examples are not covered by the SI system.

  2. I think we are going round in circles though, going to leave you to the discussion.

    Hehe, no you don't need to leave the discussion. We can end it here, as it seems it will be a lot of work to implement in the game.

    On the one hand due to all the possible events the soldier may neglect to throw, and on the other hand all the graphical work, the time unit calculation, programming and things I don't know are also necessary.

    I see what you mean with the imbalances and I understand that.

    Though I guess as long as the aliens can use the same tactic no advantage would be there.

    Unless you count in the human factor of adapting the own playing style (grenading everything without sense, avoiding enemies as soon as they are spotted, sniping aliens out of shadows and faroff corners and so on, smoke-bombing the whole way to the ufo and or to buildings). Even if these could be performed by the AI too, I guess the game would become unplayable pretty soon, or at least very frustrating.

    My original intention with "rolling grenades" and then "look around the corner" was to have more "freedom" in tactics.

    Now, if you want to look into a room with/without aliens inside and with/without knowing that there are some, your soldier is at a high risk to die by reaction fire for this.

    So the "sneaky look" (maybe short, maybe not the full room, maybe aliens are not visible anymore once this sneaky look is finished) at least would really help, even if no grenades could be thrown or weapoms shot in that direction.

    And I think that this will definitely add something to tactics, because you know that aliens are there but can't reach them from outside the room, so you have to think something up to get them without soldiers to die by bad luck (reaction fire).

    But I don't want to press the issue further as I have typed too much again already...I wanted to end it, wasn't I. :)

  3. Yeah and lots of blood and gore everywhere.

    I can vividly remember the cows upside down and belly-open on that tables.

    Funny, just googled "ufo enemy unknown cow" and with pictures, it was the second hit.

    Here it is:


    But seriously, why not?

    The aliens doing all kind of juxtaposing tissue and technology, so they don't have an obvious "problem" with it.



  4. @thixotrop That would mean the player is able to throw grenades any time they want and at any location apart from when they are standing by a door frame when the soldier they have selected suddenly refuses to perform the action.

    There is a major disconnect there between what is normally possible and a sudden limitation for no good reason.

    I can throw a grenade at a tree just in case there might possibly be an alien behind it, no matter how unlikely, but I cannot throw a grenade into a room that has a high likelihood of alien presence because the soldier doesn't think it is a good use of grenades?

    What about when you see an alien walk into the room at the end of their turn but cannot quite see it at the start of yours?

    Why would it be a waste of ammunition then as you know it is there somewhere, just out of sight?

    What about if you want to use a frag grenade to destroy cover inside but cannot because of this limitation?

    Taking a step away from the door after performing the sneaky look would then allow you to throw a grenade into the room using the normal mechanics?

    This is also quite safe as you now know there is no enemy to reaction fire on you but you can work around the odd behaviour of the soldier preventing you throwing the grenade where you want it.

    I understand what you mean, but then I did not say this method should be included just as I have told.;)

    Certainly there has to be adjustments to other events like those you have mentioned.

    And yes, I throw grenades to places I can't see clearly just because I have seen some alien going in that direction. Also places where I know a wraith will teleport to, because it did back and forth three rounds ago.

    About the waste of ammnition: This was mentioned to have something against the argument of "just use lots of grenades and throw them anywhere, why bother". I did not intend to prohibit throwing in that case, I think I overdid it there, sorry.

    I don't have a problem with the "sneaky look, step back and throw" tactic. But at it is right now you can't do the sneaky look around a corner. The soldier has to step out of cover and...typically get shot, even before he can turn around with its vision to see the room. I have lost a good bunch of soldiers due to that.

    Do you think it would be a good idea for aliens to have the same ability? ie if your in a room should they be able to throw grenades into it without being seen and blowing your team to hell. If you think not then you shouldnt have this ability either.

    Why not? So, they can throw something in. If you know that can happen, why not throw something out first?

    Right now I have experienced that an alien opens a door, sees my soldiers, fires some shots and retreats. Door is still open and no alien can be seen by my soldiers and suddenly an alien grenade comes hopping by saying hello.

    So in some way this tactic is already performed by the aliens.

    OK, now you can say this is because the aliens can see you before you can see them, but does that change the subject. I don't think so and don't have a problem with the aliens doing that.

  5. So far I have not seen a single suggestion about how this could be effectively balanced that I would consider viable, either in this thread or any of the previous ones on similar subjects.

    I did not have in mind to throw tons of grenades around the corner, just a single flashbang, smoke or other.

    If raining grenades would be a good tactic, all you need is a strong soldier who can throw far and seven other donkey-guys loaded with grenades like hell....boooring.

    What I thought was:

    1. Your troop gathers outside a room/around a corner. The room is not yet visible, i.e. you don't know the interior and/or if enemies are inside and where nthey are.

    2. Before throwing a grenade, the soldier has to risk a short glance into the room like poking the head around in a swift movement. Reason: There could be a wall directly behind that door, because it is not a room but another doorway, and the grenade bounces back. Would be fun to watch if my soldiers would perform a ducking/diving reaction movement to avoid that blast :)

      This glance-around-the-corner could be an own command and not related to the grenade throwing action, but it has to be done before the grenade is thrown that way.

    3. So with the short glance, some parts of the room will be visible and also if enemies are there.

    4. Then it can be decided if it is ok to throw something.

    If there is nothing to throw at the soldier should refuse to throw, best done with a small message on screen like: "No target, this will be a waste of ammo, pal!" (This somewhere at the side and not to be acknowledged, this would be annoying). This can be backed by general order in the mission briefing to avoid to much unecessary damage due to salvaging.

    This same refuse can also happen if the room is already visible and nothing is there to throw at.

    Bear in mind that any grenade mechanic that is granted to soldiers will also be granted to aliens. I can see a lot of people screaming when the aliens start throwing grenades around corners during base assaults.

    I think reaction movement is already part of the game, because when you guard a room, aliens enter and your soldiers reaction-firing the alien tries to move out again. This can happen when grenades are thrown also.

    Sometimes when I see a grenade coming to my soldiers I wished I could have an reaction dive with losing all th TUs just for survival. Aliens should have the sama ability.

  6. Xenonauts 2 should be made by Goldhawk.

    Why? Because now they have so much experience with the game, the nice-to-have content, the content that was left out due to budget or time reasons, the ideas that spawned during programming and were not realized and (hopefully) all the ideas, whishes, hints and mod-creations from the community (regardless if they were helpful, creative, crazy or utterly insane... ehm...the ideas not the community-posters, at least not the most of them I guess).

    So please don't throw away or lose all these background knowledge. Please...

    Therefore I wish you a huge success with the game, so you do want to do the sequel.

    (However, danger might be that Goldhawk becomes that rich with it that they stop working at all...hmm shall I wissh for less success. No.)

  7. I have wished for rolling/bouncing grenades too.

    Sometimes everything in a room prevents a good arc of the grenade, but it is all full of tables to skid something across the floor. Like in some action movies where an ice hockey disc stops near the bad guys and they have a surprised look and...bam.

  8. Chris, I hope you atleast spice up crashed ufos with some smoke, fire and debris! smile.png

    ...and some neon green jelly stuff oozing out of alien machinery.

    ...and some weird looking alien plants that had suddenly spored near the ufo and that will bite anything that comes near.

    ...and some free stroling alien pets the captain keeps in his room. No, not fish!


    sorry, mind wandering.... :P

  9. I also have looked for the PNG files for the drones. Have the same that dmholt mentioned. There are no files for weapon-firing and crashing animation-sheets - unless the explosion file - as they are for other dying aliens.

    The Harridan warrior for instance has 128 PNG-files with all kinds of positions, with and without weapons and all in different zoom factors of the alien.

  10. Heh this gave me a chuckle as it reminded me of raiding in WoW. Onyxias lair at lvl 60 and similar encounters where the raid leader keept yelling "hug the walls". Some people took it a bit literally and started emoting "/hug wall" :P

    I think I'm a bit tired and far too easily amused atm :D

    Yeah, I can imagine that.

    And when the dragon whelps emerged, two camps had to "Gruppenkuscheln" (="group hug") so that those whelps could be gathered and AoE'ed to pulp...some people did use "/hug" with other players then....*sigh*

  11. An aiming help for the selection of soldiers that are fully or partly behind an other object would be really good.

    Although the object becomes partly transparent - trees, walls, railroad wagons, dropship etc. - the aiming cross cannot always lock onto that soldier.

    Most annoying thing for me is, when you want to heal a soldier who is crouched next to a wall or a tall box and thus he is nearly totally hidden. Now either the aiming cross has only some small pixel area to lock on or nothing at all. At walls the soldier has to stand up otherwise targetting is not possible and I heal the wall *sigh*.

  12. After a successful alien base mission the game turned back to geoscape and nothing moved anymore. The dropship was fixed on the position of the former alien base as was the day-night animation. It was possible to change the game speed with the numpad as normal, i.e. the buttons were highlighted correctly, but the time did not move either. Buttons were useless.

    Loading the autosave did not change anything. The game had to be closed completely and started again. Then everything was normal again.

    Thus I think the autosave is not helpfull here. If this is known already, sorry.

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